Nufarm Partners with KD Nutra on Plant-Based Omega-3 Portfolio Expansion
WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Nuseed® Nutritional US Inc., the seed technologies platform of Nufarm Limited (ASX: NUF), is partnering with KD Nutra, a division of The KD Pharma Group, to expand offerings of plant-based long-chain omega-3 ingredients. This partnership allows both companies to leverage their expertise to offer the market new sources of omega-3 beyond marine sources and tap into the rapidly growing demand for alternatives.
Nufarm is a global leader in developing agricultural solutions to environmental challenges. Our Omega-3 Canola is the world's first plant-based source of total omega-3 nutrition. Aquaterra® and Nutriterra® are derived from the seed oil and provide alternatives to marine-sourced omega-3 ingredients while delivering all the health benefits that come with this science-backed nutrient.
“Our combined technologies and capabilities have great potential for human health,” said Brent Zacharias, Nufarm, Group Executive for Seed Technologies. “KD Nutra's technical expertise and commitment to quality can deliver our plant-based innovations to a broader audience.”
“We're excited to partner with Nufarm to expand our plant-based omega-3 offerings,” said Kimberly Smith, CEO of KD Nutra. “Nufarm's innovation in plant-based nutrition together with KD Nutra's technology platform and leadership in omega-3 will allow us to bring unique and renewable solutions to the industry.”
This research and development partnership will increase access to omega-3 nutrition for the long-term health of people and the planet.
About Nufarm
Nufarm is a global agricultural innovator providing crop protection and seed technology solutions to help our customers grow a better tomorrow. Established over 100 years ago, Nufarm is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:NUF) with its head office in Melbourne, Australia. Nufarm is the first company to develop and commercialise plant-based omega-3 and has developed and commercialized advanced bioenergy feedstock technology. Learn more at:
Nufarm's seed technologies platform (Nuseed) is focused on enabling the transformation of key crops into renewable and traceable sources of lower-carbon energy, and plant-based nutrition. Its proprietary solutions contribute to solving global challenges like food security, human nutrition, and climate change. Nutriterra® is designed for human nutrition from our Omega-3 Canola, the world's first plant-based source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Nutriterra provides a sustainable land-based oil supply, helping reduce pressure on wild fish stocks and closing the gap between how much omega-3 is needed to support human health and how little the ocean can provide. Learn more at and
About KD Nutra®
KD Nutra® is a technology-driven CDMO with leading expertise in ultra-potent marine-based and algae-based Omega-3 nutritional lipids as well as Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators (SPMs).
As part of the KD Pharma Group, KD Nutra® has become one of the world's largest Omega-3 and fish oil refiners and suppliers.
Our processing systems can manufacture any desired combination of concentration level (up to 99%) and EPA/DHA Omega-3 ratio. Additionally, our kd-pür® supercritical CO2 patented process gently extracts and purifies Omega-3s in a pharmaceutical cGMP-certified facility, without the use of excessive heat, chemical solvents (green technology) or oxygen. Through our unique vertical integration from raw oils to ultra-high potency Omega-3 EPA and DHA concentrates from both vegan and marine sources, we create health solutions for our customers.
Nuseed Nutritional: Katrina Benedicto, Communications Director
+1 (530) 490-1038,
Nuseed Global: Rhonda Macdonald, Global Lead, Communications & External Relations
+1 (403) 660-0717,
Nufarm Investor Relations: Grant Saligari, +61 406 402 645,
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