Avance Clinical Announces Senior Appointment to North American Operations
ADELAIDE, Australia and WAKE FOREST, N.C., July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avance Clinical, an award-winning, mid-sized full-service global Contract Research Organization (CRO) for biotech companies, is pleased to announce the appointment of Jeanne Schow as Senior Vice President, Business Development. Jeanne will be based out of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Meet Jeanne Schow and the Avance Clinical North American team at the next biotech event. Book a Meeting Here.
Jeanne Schow, Senior Vice President, Business Development
Jeanne Schow, Senior Vice President, Business Development
Yvonne Lungershausen, CEO of Avance Clinical, expressed her enthusiasm about Jeanne’s appointment, highlighting the significant expertise she brings to the team. "We are extremely pleased to have Jeanne Schow lead our North American Business Development team. Jeanne and the North American sales team will focus on working with biotech clients who are seeking collaboration with Avance Clinical’s US operations," Lungershausen stated.
"This senior appointment of an experienced industry leader to the US operations will further support the company’s engagement with US biotech companies seeking rapid and high-quality clinical research solutions," Lungershausen added.
Avance Clinical’s GlobalReady drug development solution provides innovative, accelerated clinical program pathways and quality data accepted by all major regulatory authorities, including the FDA and EMA. Furthermore, the company's Australian operations offer US biotechs substantial savings of almost 45% on clinical expenditures and facilitate rapid start-up of early-phase studies because they do not require an IND.
Jeanne Schow brings over 25 years of experience in discovery, clinical development, and business development roles, managing large strategic teams. "I'm very excited to use my biotech clinical development experience to further expand the Avance Clinical North American operations which has more than 17 years of early to late phase delivery experience," she said.
When asked why she chose to join Avance Clinical, Jeanne emphasized the company’s exceptional track record of repeat business due to customer service, responsive teams, and innovative, quality clinical delivery across, but not limited to, key therapeutic areas including Rare Diseases, Oncology, CNS, Infectious Diseases, and Cell & Gene Therapies.
"As a mid-sized CRO, Avance Clinical is known for its ability to start early in clinical development and expand to support biotech clients through to later phase studies. We will build on this partnership model to increase our later phase studies operated in the US and globally.
"Avance Clinical’s US-based scientific and regulatory expertise and collaborative project management approach aligns with the unique challenges every study presents," she explained.
Reflecting on her career, Jeanne Schow said: "I started out with Baxter Healthcare, working with biotech firms in the San Francisco Bay Area, then joined Avantor, a leading scientific distributor, followed by Acurian Patient Recruitment Services, which was purchased by PPD during my tenure, and then joined UBC. My most recent role was VP of Business Development at APCER Life Sciences, which provides pharmacovigilance and regulatory services for both clinical trials and post-approval."
"I’m proud to participate in the endeavour of discovering treatments which prolong or improve our lives. To help one patient find a possible new treatment through a clinical trial is one benefit that I have both experienced as well as shared with others. I’m thankful for the people I’ve met and look forward to meeting more wonderful professionals as we bring Avance Clinical’s success story to later stage biotech companies," she said.
In addition to her extensive professional experience, Jeanne holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology from California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo, California, and an MBA from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California.
About Avance Clinical | Request a Proposal
Avance Clinical is the largest premium full-service Australian, Asian and North American CRO delivering quality clinical trials with globally accepted data for international biotechs. The company’s clients are biotechs completing Phase I to Phase III of their drug development program that requires fast, agile, and adaptive solution-oriented clinical research services.
Frost & Sullivan Awards
Avance Clinical, a Frost & Sullivan Asia-Pacific CRO Market Leadership Award recipient for the past four years, has been providing CRO services in the region for more than 26 years.
Pre-clinical through to mid to late phase
Avance Clinical offers pre-clinical consulting and regulatory services with their experienced ClinicReady team right from pre-clinical through to Phase III clinical services leveraging significant Australian Government incentive rebates of up to 43.5% and rapid start-up regulatory processes.
With experience across more than 120 indications, the CRO can deliver world-class results and high-quality internationally accepted data for TGA, FDA and EMA review.
Avance Clinical uses state-of-the-art technology and gold standard systems across all functional areas to provide clients with the most effective processes. Medidata, Oracle, TrialHub, Certinia, Salesforce, Zelta and Medrio are just some of the technology partners.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/e9992184-1863-4dfd-bfb6-e1a3c24810e1
Media Contact:
Avance Clinical
Kate Thompson
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