WillScot Reports Second Quarter 2024 Results
Delivered 44% Adjusted EBITDA Margin and 20% Free Cash Flow Margin and On Track for Record Financial Year
PHOENIX, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WillScot Holdings Corporation (“WillScot” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: WSC), a leader in innovative temporary flexible space solutions, today announced second quarter 2024 results and provided an update on operations and the current market environment, including the following highlights:
- Generated revenue of $605 million, up 4%. Loss from continuing operations was $47 million, including a one-time non-cash impairment of $133 million associated with brand consolidation, and diluted loss per share was $0.25.
- Adjusted income from continuing operations excluding the impairment, restructuring, and transaction-related charges was $75 million and Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share was $0.39.
- Adjusted EBITDA was $264 million, up 1%, with Adjusted EBITDA Margin expanding sequentially to 44%.
- Generated Net cash provided by operating activities of $176 million and Free Cash Flow of $121 million, with Free Cash Flow Margin of 20%.
- Maintained leverage sequentially at 3.3x Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA as of June 30, 2024.
- Generated 17% Return on Invested Capital2 ("ROIC") over the last 12 months.
- Returned $435 million to shareholders by repurchasing 10.6 million shares of Common Stock, reducing our share count by 4.9% over the twelve months ended June 30, 20241.
- Updated FY 2024 Adjusted EBITDA outlook range to $1,085 million to $1,125 million, representing 2% to 6% growth in our continuing operations versus 2023.
- On January 29, 2024, WSC announced a definitive agreement to acquire McGrath RentCorp ("McGrath") (Nasdaq: MGRC). On July 11th, McGrath's shareholders voted in favor of the transaction. The Company expects the transaction to close in Q4 2024 after the receipt of remaining regulatory approvals.
Brad Soultz, Chief Executive Officer of WillScot, commented, "The operating environment was mixed during Q2 2024. We saw continued demand from larger-scale projects related to industrial, manufacturing, energy, onshoring, and infrastructure, offset by less demand from smaller, more transactional commercial construction and interest rate sensitive sectors. Despite this backdrop, modular activations were up year-over-year, so we continue to be pleased with the resilience of our modular portfolio and our differentiated value proposition. Storage orders and activations also improved throughout the second quarter, with units on rent stabilizing sequentially heading into July. While we continued to see strong momentum across our pricing and Value-Added Products KPIs, sequential unit on rent growth was slower than we expected."
Soultz continued, "We continue to pursue other initiatives that are within our control to drive efficiencies and capture demand. The final systems and field harmonization, which we completed earlier this year, allowed us to achieve cost savings across our portfolio that will continue to build into the second half of 2024. These savings support our continued expectation for strong margin expansion in the second half of the year. Commercially, we announced earlier this week that we consolidated our space solutions offerings under the WillScot brand. This is an important step to ensure that our customers have a singular, streamlined, and best-in-class experience, and is the logical culmination of our efforts to harmonize our legacy modular and storage organizations. This experience will include contemporary digital capabilities, such as the new www.WillScot.com website and an enhanced customer portal. The branding reflects the commitment by our team to deliver space solutions that are right for the project, right for the timeline, and Right From The Start."
Soultz concluded, "Regarding the McGrath transaction, we were pleased with the resounding approval that McGrath's shareholders expressed for our pending acquisition during McGrath's shareholder meeting on July 11, 2024. We continue to work collaboratively with the Federal Trade Commission, and as such, extended the review window to September 27, 2024. We expect to close the transaction in Q4 2024. WillScot has a strong track record of leadership, growth, and innovation in our industry, and we look forward to creating significant benefits for the communities in which we operate and our customers, employees, and shareholders after the transaction closes."
To view the full release, please visit: https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2024/08/01/2923162/0/en/WillScot-Reports-Second-Quarter-2024-Results.html
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