A Win-Win Strategic Agreement Announced between Ennoconn as Exclusive Hardware Provider for NCR Voyi
NEW TAIPEI CITY, Taiwan, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Ennoconn Corporation (Taiwan Exchange / 6414.TW), a global technology company delivering world-class Industrial intelligent IoT, AI and Embedded Technology solutions, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with NCR Voyix (NYSE: VYX) to manage the supply, design, manufacturing, fulfillment, delivery and warranty for its hardware products. NCR Voyix is a leading global provider of digital commerce solutions. Since 2008, Ennoconn has been a proud supplier to NCR Voyix, and this agreement represents a significant milestone for both NCR Voyix and Ennoconn and reflects a shared commitment with NCR Voyix to deliver exceptional technological solutions through this agreement.
“This agreement represents the continued transformation of our hardware delivery model, which has transitioned in recent years from internal to outsourced manufacturing and will now be managed exclusively by Ennoconn, a leading global hardware systems provider, with NCR Voyix serving as the sales agent arranging for the purchase and delivery of hardware to our customers,” said David Wilkinson, CEO of NCR Voyix. “Through this collaboration, our customers will maintain access to market-leading hardware products. NCR Voyix will focus on growing and investing in our software and services capabilities to continue to meet our customers’ evolving needs, drive innovation, and enhance our competitive edge.”
For nearly 140 years, NCR Voyix has been the global leader in consumer technologies, providing high-quality technology solutions and helping businesses thrive in a rapidly changing digital landscape. The market-leading software and services of NCR Voyix are highly complementary to Ennoconn’s hardware expertise, creating a powerful synergy that drives innovation and operational excellence. With a focus on customer-centricity, NCR Voyix delivers comprehensive technology solutions that set the industry standard and empower our clients to achieve their business goals.
Ennoconn will leverage the increased capital and focused resources, the aim is to broaden the service offerings that will contribute to long-term growth and success. Investments in technology, infrastructure, and strategic acquisitions and partnerships will support growth in both existing and new markets. With Ennoconn’s resources, expertise, and technology, NCR Voyix customers can expect the same high-end design and manufacturing while employees will benefit from additional resources and opportunities for professional growth.
“It is common knowledge that NCR Voyix is a globally renowned Fintech technology company, providing leading edge global digital commerce solutions. Since 2008, Ennoconn has been a proud and strategic supplier to NCR Voyix, and we are honored to become their exclusive global hardware provider. Ennoconn will leverage its extensive experience in global design, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics and best in class quality management. Through this collaboration, we will provide stable and reliable support between NCR Voyix and its customers,” said Chairman of Ennoconn, Steve Chu.
“This expanding partnership will open market opportunities for both NCR Voyix and Ennoconn. We believe this enhanced agreement will establish long-term value for both companies and our shareholders and customers. This is truly creating a win-win situation.”
About Ennoconn
Ennoconn Corporation (Taiwan Exchange / 6414.TW) is a global leader in integrated cloud management services, Industrial IoT, and embedded technology. In 2007, Ennoconn became a subsidiary of Foxconn Technology Group, headquartered in New Taipei City. Ennoconn, a global technology solutions provider, delivers world-class Industrial IoT and Embedded Technology, DMS/SI & AI Integration Technology Services into high-growth markets, including Smart City, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Retail, Smart Financial, and Media & Entertainment. Ennoconn’s Digital Transformation and Ennoconn Solution as a Service ‘ESaas’ strategy integrates and delivers manufacturing systems with emerging technology solutions addressing revolutionary demand in cloud data storage, machine learning / AIoT / ESG / Cloud IoT Integration across all internal design, manufacturing, supply chain platforms, and disciplines.
About NCR Voyix
NCR Voyix Corporation (NYSE: VYX) is a leading global provider of digital commerce solutions for the retail, restaurant and digital banking industries. NCR Voyix transforms retail stores, restaurant systems and digital banking experiences with comprehensive, platform-led SaaS and services capabilities. NCR Voyix is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with customers in more than 30 countries across the globe.
Ennoconn Contact
Selena Lin
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Alan Katz
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