NetSfere Brings Global Business and Tech Leaders Together in its Annual Connections Event Series
In its eighth year, NetSfere Connections events will be hosted worldwide in Singapore, Bangalore, Munich and Chicago.
CHICAGO, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - NetSfere, a global provider of next-generation secure and compliant messaging and mobility solutions, proudly announces its annual NetSfere Connections event series, scheduled for Fall 2024. This year's events will bring together global tech and IT leaders who are guiding their organizations towards a secure future in today's dynamic, mobile-first communication landscape, characterized by a distributed workforce and expanding partner ecosystems. As enterprise communication reaches unprecedented heights, these advancements come with increased risks, from cyberattacks and data privacy concerns to regulatory scrutiny, necessitating an immediate and strategic reassessment of business communication strategies.
Since 2017, NetSfere Connections has brought together thought leaders from the security and communication industries to exchange insights, network, and drive the industry towards a more secure and innovative future. At this year's event, participants can anticipate keynotes and presentations that address the latest challenges and advancements in Generative AI, Post-Quantum encryption technologies, and regulatory compliance. These developments are reshaping the enterprise communication landscape, emphasizing the critical need for a focused approach to security, privacy, and risk management.
The events also feature lively social gatherings with a variety of eclectic foods, beverages, and more, creating an ideal backdrop for unforgettable moments and dynamic idea exchange in a vibrant and productive atmosphere throughout the event.
Interested participants can register for the NetSfere Connections events in Singapore (Sep 12), Munich (Sep 26), Chicago (Oct 21), and Bangalore (Nov 21) here.
"NetSfere Connections provides a vital platform for direct engagement with our ecosystem of customers, users, industry experts, and innovators, allowing us to gain deep insights into their experiences, challenges, and immediate priorities," noted Anurag Lal, CEO and President of NetSfere. "These insights inform our holistic approach to enhancing organizational safety and security, ensuring we deliver the most advanced secure communication solutions that comprehensively meet the evolving needs of our users."
For more information on NetSfere, visit
About NetSfere
NetSfere is a secure enterprise messaging service and platform from Infinite Convergence Solutions, Inc. NetSfere provides industry-leading security and message delivery capabilities, including global cloud-based service availability, device-to-device encryption, location-based features, and administrative controls. The service is also offered in partnership with Deutsche Telekom GmbH, one of the world's leading integrated telecommunications companies, and with NTT Ltd., a global information communications & technology service provider, to jointly offer NetSfere to its worldwide customers. The service leverages Infinite Convergence's experience in delivering mobility solutions to tier 1 mobile operators globally and technology that supports more than 500 million subscribers and over a trillion messages annually. NetSfere is also compliant with global regulatory requirements, including GDPR, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, ISO 27001, and others. Infinite Convergence Solutions has offices in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, India and Singapore. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Erica Torres
Uproar PR for NetSfere
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