Axi Select hailed as the future of prop trading as multiple demo account firms close doors due to pr
SYDNEY, Australia, Feb. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bucking the trend of recent negative developments in the prop firm industry, leading global CFD and FX broker Axi, which launched Axi Select - their unique capital allocation programme for talented traders - has been hailed by many industry experts as the future of the industry.
Recent issues experienced in the prop trading industry have resulted in multiple firms having to pause or close down their service due to pressure from regulators, partner brokers or tech providers.
Axi Select is completely different to the industry, and as a result has legitimised the prop firm model by offering a live trading account programme, with real controls in terms of execution, transparency, and fair market conditions. Since its launch in mid-2023, Axi Select has witnessed an incredible 40% month-on-month increase in the number of active clients on their platforms.
Axi believes their Select programme is revolutionary, sustainable and is the future of the prop firm model. Greg Rubin, Head of Axi Select, stated “In the last week the prop trading industry has been turned on its head completely with multiple firms having to suspend their services due to external pressures.
“We foresaw this, which is why we’ve developed a capital allocation programme which is built on our live trading account model and has been available in over 100 countries for more than 16 years. This has given us the confidence that Axi Select is a long-term solution to the prop trading community, and not subject to the issues now faced by prop firms who offer the demo account registration fee model and are under constant pressure from regulators and their tech partners.”
He continued “We genuinely empathise with the thousands of talented traders who will now be denied access to their allocated funds, and we encourage anyone using the demo trading registration model to question whether their prop firm partner will be able to continue as an ongoing concern given recent events. Unfortunately, this could be the beginning of the end for the demo account prop firm model.”
Axi Select offers a very attractive funding model - $1 million USD top allocation and clients can keep up to 90% of their profits – that’s one of the top allocation offerings worldwide, from an award-winning globally recognised, respected, and trusted broker.
By joining Axi you don’t need to pay a registration fee. Yes, you need to fund your trading account, but that money is yours to withdraw at any time and any profits you make on your funded account, you keep in addition to funds allocated by Axi.
“We believe passionately that Axi Select is the best allocation programme globally” said Rajesh Yohannan, Group CEO of Axi.
“By using a live trading account, with real money and the emotions that accompany this, we believe you are more likely to be profitable longer term and make money from your own live account as well as the funded proportion. Our Axi Select account has all the controls we offer to our live account holders globally. This includes access to our award-winning fast, transparent, and fair-trade execution.”
He added “If you are a talented trader and are looking for a legitimate funding programme which is designed to truly help you succeed and profit from the financial markets, and you want the stability of an account model which has been in market for 16 years, then Axi Select is the place for you to find your Edge.”
About Axi Select*
Axi Select* is a unique capital allocation programme that was specifically designed to help you succeed as a professional trader. Axi Select* offers a generous funding of up to $1 million USD as part of a structured and fair pathway to help you meet your long-term and most ambitious trading aspirations. Solidify your trading skills, knowledge and understanding of the markets and embark on your biggest trading journey ever with Axi through Axi Select.
Why Axi Select*?
- 100% Free to join – No registration fees
- Earn 90% of profits on $1,000,000 USD of our funds
- Unrestrictive trading conditions & a structured pathway that provides a fair & real opportunity for traders to become professional traders
- Trading score (Edge score) to assess & assist with trading performance
- Dashboard with analytics, advanced stats, and a leader board
- Exclusive online trading room with live analysis and learning videos from professional traders. Ability to interact with fellow traders and share analysis/trading ideas.
- Trustworthy broker with over 35+ industry awards.
How is Axi Select* different from other programmes?
Programme | Axi Select | Industry Standard |
Registration fee | No | Yes |
Pass Evaluation | No | Yes |
Restrictive Trading Conditions | No | Varies |
Number of Attempts | 3 | 1 |
Leverage | 100:1 | Varies, majority less than 100:1 |
Account Type | Real Trading Account | Demo |
Additional Tools | Dashboard/Leaderboard, Edge Score, Trading Room | Varies |
Learn more & switch to Axi Select:
* The Axi Select programme is only available to clients of AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss. In our dealings with you, we will act as a principal counterparty to all of your positions. This content is not available for AU, NZ, EU, and UK residents. For more information, refer to our Terms of Service. Other fees and minimum deposit apply.
About Axi
Axi is a global online FX and CFD trading company, trusted by thousands of ambitious customers in 100+ countries around the world. We help all types of traders, trading businesses, banks and financial organizations find the edge they need to achieve their financial goals through informed transactions made on the world's financial markets. Axi offers a wide range of assets including CFDs for several asset classes including Forex, Shares, Gold, Silver, Oil, Coffee, Indices, and other commodities.
At Axi, we are proud of our reputation as an honest, fair, and trusted broker. Our many awards and 'Great' Trustpilot reviews prove we have earned the confidence of customers who value our outstanding service, fast execution, secure payments, segregated funds, and easy withdrawals.
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