Aditya Tibrewala appointed as Chief Executive Officer, Sompo Thailand
BANGKOK, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sompo, a leading global provider of commercial and consumer property and casualty (re)insurance, today announced the appointment of Aditya V. Tibrewala as Chief Executive Officer of Sompo Insurance (Thailand) PCL (Sompo Thailand), effective immediately.
Mr Tibrewala joined Sompo Asia Pacific (APAC) as Chief Actuary in 2016 and has since held several executive positions in the regional leadership team, based in Singapore. In his most recent role as Chief Consumer Officer, he led Sompo’s Consumer business and also oversaw operational and technical functions across APAC. He will continue to report to Kenneth Reilly, Chief Executive Officer, Insurance, Asia Pacific.
Mr Reilly said: “With Aditya’s technical expertise and strong leadership skills, he will be instrumental in continuing our work to serve our Thai policyholders with innovative products and solutions, while collaborating closely with our APAC region and sharing best practices. I am confident that Aditya will further accelerate Sompo Thailand’s financial and talent growth.”
A fellow of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries, UK, Mr Tibrewala has more than 20 years of experience in the global non-life insurance industry.
About Sompo Insurance Thailand
Sompo Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited (Sompo Thailand) is a member of the Sompo Group, a trusted and established insurance provider for over a century with its long business history and operating in Thailand for 27 years.
With over 300 employees, Sompo Thailand strives to provide the best solutions for our customers, while adhering to the policy of honesty and integrity in operations. We offer a wide range of Consumer and Commercial products, including travel, health, safety, and property.
Our commitment and expertise in business, along with a strong financial position and an extensive global network can assure that our customers will receive the highest quality insurance service.
For more information:
About Sompo
We are Sompo, a global provider of commercial and consumer property, casualty, and specialty insurance and reinsurance. Building on the 130 years of innovation of our parent company, Sompo Holdings, Inc., Sompo employs approximately 9,500 people around the world who use their in-depth knowledge and expertise to help simplify and resolve your complex challenges. Because when you choose Sompo, you choose The Ease of Expertise™.
“Sompo” refers to the brand under which Sompo International Holdings Ltd., a Bermuda-based holding company, together with its consolidated subsidiaries, operates its global property and casualty (re)insurance businesses. Sompo International Holdings Ltd. is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Sompo Holdings, Inc., one of the leading property and casualty groups in the world with excellent financial strength as evidenced by ratings of A+ (Superior) from A.M. Best (XV size category) and A+ (Strong) from Standard & Poor’s. Sompo Holdings shares are listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
To learn more please follow us on LinkedIn or visit
Sompo Contacts
Srisopa Puchaiwattananont
Head of Corporate Branding and Communications, Thailand
M: +666 2604 4105
Candida Lee
Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Asia
T: +65 6216 8641
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