Winvest Group Limited Subsidiary IQI Media Announces It Has Agreed to Acquire All Rights to Winnie-t
RENO, Nev., Aug. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Winvest Group Limited (OTC: WNLV) ("Winvest"), an investment holding company with diverse media and entertainment portfolios, is pleased to announce that its subsidiary IQI Media has an agreement in principle with Baboon Animation to acquire all rights to the animated motion picture script Beyond Pooh Corner, written by John Reynolds, Joe Vitale, Jeff Hylton, and Mike de Seve. Based on the famous Winnie-the-Pooh series of books by British author A.A. Milne, the story offers a fresh new take on Pooh as a young and playful bear living in the Hundred Acre Wood with his friends, including Piglet, Owl, Eeyore, Kanga, Roo, and others.
©Beyond Pooh Corner Development, LLC
“With this agreement in principle, IQI Media expects to continue to make exciting progress on the film's development,” said Khiow Hui Lim, Founder of IQI Media, a full-service content development, technology, and production company based in Los Angeles, and Executive Producer of the film. “We are on track for production to start to support an early 2027 worldwide release of Beyond Pooh Corner. Our unique distribution plan features a team of software developers, social growth analysts, ecommerce strategists, and content management experts, who will collaborate with film buyers and international distributors to drive viral awareness globally. This 'social P&A' team is also working on licensing plans that leverage AI applications and tools for merchandising packages.”
For accredited investors only, Limited Liability Company Interests (Units) are now available for Beyond Pooh Corner Development, LLC. There is a minimum purchase of 1 Unit for $250,000, with packages available for Special Thanks credits (3 Units), Executive Producer credits (5-10 Units), and Licensing (5 Units). For more details, including the terms, projections, and risks, interested parties may request the private placement memorandum (PPM).
About Winvest Group Limited:
Winvest Group Limited is an investment holding company specifically focused on media and entertainment, production and filmmaking, as well as marketing and distribution for all projects on domestic and international streaming platforms and media channels. Winvest will develop and manage a diverse range of multilingual film and television projects. For additional information about Winvest and its investment opportunities, please visit
Investor Contact:
Khiow Hui Lim
Founder of IQI Media & Chief Strategy Officer of Winvest
1055 E. Colorado Blvd, Suite 500, Pasadena, CA 91106
Phone: 626-240-4600
Media Contact:
Fiona Ng
Winvest Group Limited
50 West Liberty Street, Suite 880, Reno NV 896501
Phone: 775-996-0288
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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