Teledyne e2v announces next generation high-performance CMOS image sensors for extreme low light con
Teledyne e2v's OnyxMax CMOS sensor
The new OnyxMax can detect small objects in harsh conditions
GRENOBLE, France, Jan. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne e2v, a Teledyne Technologies company and global innovator of imaging solutions, announces OnyxMax™, the next generation of its popular Onyx 1.3M low light CMOS image sensor. This new sensor has been designed for extremely low light conditions, down to 1 mLux. The combination of sensitivity and image resolution increases its range, allowing even small objects to be detected in harsh conditions. This makes OnyxMax ideal for a wide range of applications including science, defense, traffic cameras, broadcast, surveillance, border control and astronomy.
OnyxMax features 1.3 Megapixels (1,280 x 1,024) and is available in monochrome, as standard, and with CFA arrangements available on request. It has a 10 x 10 µm pixel, designed with Teledyne’s new cutting edge HiRho™ proprietary technology, which enables outstanding Near Infrared (NIR) sensitivity and spatial resolution with Quantum Efficiency (QE) of 58% and MTF of 63% at 850nm wavelength. OnyxMax also provides an SNR of 10 dB at less than 2 mLux and at 60 frames per second and operates in rolling and global shutter modes, providing 75 dB of linear dynamic range. It also has a patented on-chip HDR mode which is capable of handling scene dynamics up to 100 dB.
Ariane Le Bon, Marketing Manager for Low Noise Imaging, at Teledyne e2v said, “We are very proud to release OnyxMax, which has been specifically designed to deliver high-performance in challenging low light conditions. This sensor performs significantly better than general purpose image sensors that generally lose contrast in the NIR. OnyxMax performs impressively in these conditions and has been very well received by defense, commercial, and scientific markets.”
See a live demo of OnyxMax at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 30 January – 1 February 2024. Visit us on Teledyne booth 327 or contact us online for more information.
Documentation and samples are available now upon request.
About Teledyne e2v
Teledyne e2v innovations lead developments in healthcare, life sciences, space, transportation, defense and security and industrial markets. Teledyne e2v’s unique approach involves listening to the market and application challenges of their customers and partnering with them to provide innovative standard, semi-custom or fully custom imaging solutions, bringing increased value to their systems.
For more information, visit
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