Olaplex Holdings, Inc. Announces Participation in the Barclays 17th Annual Global Consumer Staples C
NEW YORK, Aug. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Olaplex Holdings, Inc. (“OLAPLEX”), today announced their participation in the Barclays 17th Annual Global Consumer Staples Conference in Boston, MA.
Amanda Baldwin, Chief Executive Officer will present on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 4:30pm ET, and will meet with investors during the conference. The audio portion of the presentation will be available on the Company's Investor Relations website, https://ir.olaplex.com/, and will remain there for 90 days following the event.
OLAPLEX is an innovative, science-enabled, technology-driven beauty company with a mission to improve the hair health of its consumers. In 2014, OLAPLEX disrupted and revolutionized the prestige hair care category by creating innovative bond-building technology, which works by protecting, strengthening and relinking broken bonds in the hair during and after hair services. The brand's proprietary, patent-protected ingredient works on a molecular level to protect and repair damaged hair. OLAPLEX's award-winning products are sold through an expanding omnichannel model serving the professional, specialty retail, and direct-to-consumer channels.
Patrick Flaherty
Vice President, Investor Relations
Financial Media:
Lisa Bobroff
Vice President, Global Communications & Consumer Engagement
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