Victoria™ Partners with Mexican Singer-Songwriter Carin León for his Boca Chueca Tour
To celebrate being the Official Cerveza of León's U.S. tour, the classic Mexican beer, Victoria, offers fans the chance to win a VIP experience at one of the shows along with other prizes
CHICAGO, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Victoria™, considered Mexico's oldest beer brand, has announced a new partnership with Mexican-born singer-songwriter Carin León as the Official Cerveza Sponsor of his highly anticipated Boca Chueca tour, which kicks off in the U.S. on August 29. In celebration of the partnership, Victoria has launched the Victoria Beer Summer 2024 Sweepstakes, where one lucky fan will win a VIP Concert Experience at Carin's show in New York City on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.
“I'm honored to have Victoria as the Official Cerveza of my 2024 U.S. tour. Victoria is proud of its Mexican heritage and sees music as a perfect opportunity to celebrate our culture, just like I do,” said León. “By bringing people to my show through this sweepstakes, we're able to offer my fans the chance to experience that communal feeling of drinking an ice-cold Victoria while enjoying Música Mexicana.”
Starting now through August 31, fans 21+ can enter the summer sweepstakes at One grand prize winner will receive a VIP concert experience for two including tickets for admission, air transportation, a two-night hotel stay, spending money and more.
But the fun doesn't stop on the stage. Music and cerveza lovers alike also have the chance to win a custom, one-of-a-kind Victoria cooler that doubles as a speaker so fans can keep their Victoria beer ice cold – and the Música Mexicana going – all summer long. Plus, the brand is giving away other prizes, including an autographed Carin León framed poster and Victoria merch to wear and celebrate the tour.
“With Victoria considered Mexico's oldest beer brand, supporting an artist like Carin who shares a profound love for the Mexican community felt like the perfect match,” said Maddy Zingle, Senior Director, Brand Marketing, Victoria. "Our partnership with Carin allows us to not only give back to our fans, but to celebrate how special Música Mexicana is to the culture. Just like Victoria, Carin's music brings people together to create memories that fuel relationships for years to come.”
Victoria is the Official Cerveza of León's shows in more than 20 cities across the U.S., starting off in Greenwood Village, Colorado, on August 29. For more information and tickets, visit
To celebrate the partnership, Victoria and León also designed a custom hat inspired by León's signature style with a touch of the Victoria flare. Check out the exclusive “El Sombrero de Carin por Victoria” across León's and Victoria's social channels.
For more information on how to enter the summer sweepstakes, visit and @CervezaVictoriaUSA on Instagram.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 U.S. and D.C., 21 or older. Ends 11:59 PM ET on 8/31/24. The Victoria Beer Summer 2024 Sweepstakes is sponsored by Crown Imports LLC. Void where prohibited. No alcohol awarded with prizes. For complete details, see Official Rules.
About Victoria™
Considered the oldest beer in Mexico, Victoria™ is an ultra-premium, Vienna-style lager with light-to-medium body and slight malt sweetness. Its flavor contains a toasted malt character perfectly balanced with a smooth crisp finish. The brand has true Mexican authenticity and a proud heritage, with a long tradition of bringing people together. For more information, follow Victoria on Facebook at Victoria is exclusively brewed in Mexico and imported and marketed for the U.S. by Crown Imports LLC.
About Carin León
Originally from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Carin León, quickly began to dominate the Mexican music scene and elevate the genre internationally at just 16-years-old. His captivating and vibrant voice demonstrates his versatility for songwriting, effortlessly navigating between multiple genres. Today he is recognized as a modern icon who has brought the traditions of Música Mexicana to new generations.
The acclaimed artist currently has three songs in the Top 200 of Spotify's Global chart and has received countless nominations and multiple awards, including an ASCAP award, four Premio Lo Nuestro 2024 awards, two Latin GRAMMY® awards, and seven nominations for Premios de la Radio, becoming the most nominated artist for said award. This year, he also made history as the first Latin artist ever to perform at both Coachella and Stagecoach in the same year.
Media Contact:
Stephanie McGuane
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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