Zoom Appoints Mike Fenger to Board of Directors
SAN JOSE, Calif., Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) announced that it has appointed Mike Fenger, vice president Worldwide Sales, Apple, as an independent director on Zoom’s Board of Directors effective immediately.
“Zoom plays an important role connecting people around the world, and I’m excited to join the Board and contribute to its future success,” said Mike Fenger, vice president Worldwide Sales, Apple. “Eric Yuan has built a great team and the company’s dedication to driving innovative technology is inspiring. I’m really looking forward to working with them.”
“On behalf of Zoom’s Board of Directors, I am thrilled to welcome Mike to the team,” said Zoom founder and CEO Eric S. Yuan. “Mike’s experience at Apple, and companies including GE, and his proven track record of global leadership bring valuable insights that align perfectly with our vision. We’re excited to see the fresh perspective and innovative ideas he’ll contribute as we continue driving our growth and success.”
About Mike Fenger
Mike oversees global product sales for Apple, and his team plays an important part in helping customers discover products they love. Since joining Apple in 2008, he has also had a key role in strengthening telecommunications and consumer electronic reseller partnerships, and deepening connections with customers in enterprise, education, and government. He began his Apple career as vice president of Global iPhone Sales, where he led the expansion of iPhone distribution to customers around the globe.
Mike has over 20 years of experience building and leading sales teams for global companies. Before joining Apple, he held senior positions at General Electric and Motorola, where he helped develop and execute strategy for sales, operations, marketing, and supply chain management in the Americas, Europe, and Greater China. Mike is a graduate of Miami University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics.
About Zoom
Zoom’s mission is to provide one platform that delivers limitless human connection. Reimagine teamwork with Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s open collaboration platform with AI Companion empowers teams to be more productive. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer care teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more information at zoom.com.
Zoom PR
Colleen Rodriguez
Head of Global PR
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