Mavenir and Whitestack Expand the Ecosystem of Open Network Functions
Successful integration of key Mavenir network functions into Whitestack's Open Telco Cloud platform based on Intel technology
RICHARDSON, Texas, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mavenir, the cloud-native network infrastructure provider building the future of networks, and Whitestack, an open source-based developer of Telco Cloud solutions, today announce successful completion of a technology alignment that enables Mavenir’s Cloud-Native IMS solution to be seamlessly integrated into Whitestack’s Telco Cloud platform – demonstrating Mavenir’s pivotal expertise in facilitating cloud-native deployments. The collaboration was initiated as part of a deployment with a leading Tier 1 operator in Latin America and harnesses the power and performance capabilities of the Intel Xeon processor and Intel Ethernet technology.
Empowering mobile operators to deploy telco workloads on its cloud solutions is a fundamental aspect of Mavenir’s cloud-native strategy. Today's announcement marks the achievement of full integration with Whitestack's Telco Cloud solution – offering telco operators a wider array of flexible options for deploying Mavenir's solutions – and underscores the continued expansion of the telecom ecosystem aimed at liberating operators from legacy or monolithic solutions.
The two companies are capitalizing on industry momentum, following significant announcements from operators adopting cloud infrastructure for critical network functions. This trend is generating substantial interest from traditional operators. To meet this clear demand, Mavenir and Whitestack are offering a compelling performance-to-cost ratio, making the transition to cloud solutions an easy decision.
"We are very pleased to have completed the integration process in a reasonable timeframe, thanks in part to our experience with other Telco Clouds and Whitestack's flexibility in adjusting their data plane configuration to maximize our performance," said Brandon Larson, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Mavenir’s Cloud, AI & IMS Business Strategy. He added: "As the industry moves towards cloud infrastructure, cloud solutions must be adapted to be suitable for telco workloads," says Brandon Larson. "In order to accomplish this, it takes companies like Mavenir that have developed a specialized skillset in both cloud and telco."
Mavenir's Cloud-Native IMS solution is based on a microservices architecture comprising Containerized Network Functions (CNFs) that adopt cloud-native principles, offering voice services that leverage the intrinsic benefits of Kubernetes to ensure high availability. This solution operates on Whitestack's Telco Cloud platform under an automated deployment model.
"One of the many key aspects of a Telco Cloud, compared to a regular private cloud, is the ability to utilize advanced techniques for accelerating network function performance,” said José Miguel Guzmán, Telco/NFV Business Development Manager, Whitestack. “Each application has its own processing, memory, disk, and traffic profile. In WhiteCloud, we have granular control over these aspects, allowing us to provide each VNF or CNF with the optimal hardware settings to maximize their throughput, mixing and matching legacy and new-generation servers.”
“Server configurations based on Intel Xeon processors include new features designed to accelerate user traffic. When combined with the Intel Infrastructure Power Manager software and Intel Ethernet E810 Controller, these configurations allow service providers to drive optimization of their infrastructure for performance, energy efficiency and space in the telco data center," said Alex Quach, VP Network and Edge Group, Intel.
Whitestack has emerged as a key player in the open infrastructure space in Latin America, supplying dozens of Tier 1 data centers in the region with a Telco Cloud solution based on open-source technology. Its offering includes whitebox networking, high-capacity optics systems, and COTS servers powered by Intel Xeon processors.
Mavenir, Whitestack and Intel will be participating at the Open Telco Cloud Summit 2024 in Mexico City on September 3rd 2024 – register to attend in person or virtually.
Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.
Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud-native, AI-enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award-winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit
Whitestack’s flagship Telco Cloud solution integrates both VNFs (virtual machine-based) and CNFs (container-based) using proven industry-standard deployment models. As the most widely deployed Telco Cloud solution in Latin America, it boasts certifications from industry giants HPE and DELL, ensuring top-tier performance and reliability.
Whitestack's Open Networking solutions revolutionize network infrastructure. Deploy in open DC Fabrics with advanced Spine & Leaf configurations, or enhance optical access and aggregation networks with our state-of-the-art open switches (whiteboxes). All seamlessly managed by our open SDN controller, Whitesdn, for unparalleled automated network provisioning. For more information visit
Mavenir PR Contacts:
Emmanuela Spiteri
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