DALI Alliance lighting awards opens with new categories for 2024
LONDON, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DALI Alliance, the global industry organization for DALI, the internationally-standardized protocol for digital communication between lighting control devices, announces that the annual DALI Lighting Awards are officially open for 2024 with a number of new categories.
The traditional application categories have been consolidated to five awards: Residential, Commercial Interior, Commercial Exterior, Industrial & Infrastructure, and Horticulture. This year’s Awards will also include the following innovation categories:
- Best Use of D4i: Recognizing innovative applications of DALI D4i technology, including enhanced data communication, energy management, and advanced control capabilities.
- Best Emergency Lighting Integration: Celebrating solutions that incorporate emergency lighting, ensuring safety, reliability, and compliance with standards during emergencies.
- Best Human Centric Design: Honoring projects that prioritize human well-being in health, comfort, and productivity through lighting.
- Best Integration into Other Building Systems Highlighting projects that excel in integrating lighting data with other building systems, such as HVAC, security, and energy management.
- Innovation in Lighting: Recognizing cutting-edge technologies and advancements in lighting control solutions.
- Sustainability and Energy Efficiency: Highlighting projects that excel in sustainability, conservation, and environmental impact.
- Smart and Connected Lighting: Honoring advancements in smart lighting systems, IoT integration, and connected lighting solutions.
- Non-networked Lighting: Celebrating innovative applications in small or stand-alone spaces.
These new categories align with the growth of technologies, advancements, and innovations that are being adopted by the lighting sector.
This year’s submissions will no longer be submitted to a specific category. Entries will be placed by judges into applicable categories, allowing the possibility of a single project to win multiple awards.
Paul Drosihn, general manager of DALI Alliance, said: “We are very excited to launch this year’s DALI Lighting Awards with a refreshed approach. We are confident these changes will make it more straightforward for those across the lighting industry to enter, and gain recognition for their work.”
The awards entry deadline is 7 October 2024.
For more information and to enter the awards, visit https://www.dali-alliance.org/awards2024/.
About the DALI Alliance
The DALI Alliance is an open, global consortium of lighting companies that aims to grow the market for lighting-control solutions based on Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) technology. The DALI Alliance promotes the adoption of DALI-2, D4i, and DALI+ certification programs and supports the use of open, interoperable lighting control systems.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0f831cdd-7409-48b9-8c98-484c00bbe4fe
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