Avance Clinical Wins 2024 Frost & Sullivan Award for Global Biotech CRO Excellence
ADELAIDE, Australia and WAKE FOREST, N.C., Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avance Clinical, a leading global CRO specializing in clinical trials for the biotech sector, has won the prestigious 2024 Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Customer Value Leadership Award for Global Biotech CRO Excellence.
Avance Clinical CEO Yvonne Lungershausen thanked Frost & Sullivan for the global award and said they recognized the entire Avance Clinical team across the globe working together to accelerate clients’ drug development.
“Our agile, customer centric and integrated approach to progressing clinical research for our biotech clients is clearly resonating in an industry that too often has a one size fits all model,” she said.
Frost & Sullivan is a globally recognized authority in identifying and honoring companies that demonstrate excellence leadership, innovation and growth.
According to Frost & Sullivan, “These companies consolidate their leadership positions by innovating and creating new products, solutions, and services that meet ever-evolving customer needs. By strategically broadening their product portfolios, leading companies advance the overall market. Driving innovation and growth is a difficult task made even harder by the strategic imperatives forcing change today, such as disruptive technologies, value chain compression, industry convergence, and new business models”.
“In this context, Avance Clinical’s recognition signifies an even greater accomplishment.”
The award report noted that Avance Clinical, headquartered in Adelaide, Australia, is now a leading global CRO facilitating top-tier clinical trials with globally recognized data for biotech firms worldwide.
“With an exclusive focus on the biotech sector, the company has significant deep clinical research experience across 250+ therapeutic indications to provide customized services catering to biotech R&D’s dynamic needs,” said the report.
The report also highlighted that Avance Clinical has particularly robust expertise in Cell & Gene Therapies, Central Nervous System (CNS), Dermatology, Endocrinology, Infectious Diseases, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Rare Disease & Orphan Drug, and Respiratory & Allergy indications. Overall, the company’s world-class team exceeding 330 clinical and regulatory specialists delivers high-quality clinical trials in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and North America for international biotechs.
Frost & Sullivan also noted that: “The company’s flat organizational structure provides customers with direct access to leadership teams, facilitating continual collaboration throughout their drug development journeys”.
The report said that the company’s unique approach to project management, where each project receives individual oversight, has resulted in high customer satisfaction rates and impressive client retention.
Frost & Sullivan said Avance Clinical offered a strong business case for biotechs. Especially considering their research “found over 50% of biotechs engage with more than one CRO throughout their clinical programs, leading to a less streamlined approach that increases project costs, delays, and knowledge/data transfer challenges”.
“Unlike larger multinational CROs, this intimate approach enables Avance Clinical to understand customer challenges closely, empowering it to deliver flexible solutions and hands-on guidance that optimally position it to match the fast-paced nature of biotech R&D. As a result, the company’s agility and responsiveness make it the ideal partner for small to mid-sized biotech companies, addressing a crucial need that competitors often struggle to fulfill,” said Unmesh Lal, Global Research Director.
The award report also noted:
- In-House Regulatory Affairs: One of Avance Clinical’s most compelling value propositions is its in-house regulatory team that seamlessly integrates into its biotech clients’ clinical and project delivery operations to minimize delays and costly errors (decreasing the trial startup timeline by up to 50% and reducing costs by up to 30%).
- Site Partnerships: Avance Clinical continues to invest strategically in building strong relationships with clinical sites capable of conducting Phase I to IV clinical trials, forming an expansive network of over 2,000 high-quality, trusted clinical trial sites across Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, and Europe.
- Advanced Technology: In addition to facilitating a company-wide application of industry-standard technologies, Avance Clinical’s Technology and Innovations team continually identifies and reviews the latest technology solutions, including machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) applications, to support global systems integrations.
- A Global Approach: The company’s unique GlobalReady model supports biotechs from their early pre-clinical stage through to later phases across the globe, leveraging the right site relationships to deliver access to the optimal patient populations. The GlobalReady program enables seamless transition and coordination between regions, allowing biotechs to utilize its expertise across various markets.
- Expedited Recruitment: Avance Clinical’s strong network facilitates quick feasibility evaluations and rapid progression through start-up activities, allowing for expedited patient recruitment. This efficiency, in turn, translates to shorter overall timelines for the company’s biotech clients, ensuring faster and more effective clinical trials, including accelerated study start-up durations of five to six weeks.
Sama Suwal, the Best Practice Research Analyst at Frost & Sullivan said Avance Clinical’s global network is a clear advantage for its clients, “Avance Clinical’s globalized strategy extends its presence into new geographies through organic expansions and partnerships to better serve its biotech customers’ growing global needs…the company continues to spread its footprint across the United States (US) and Asia while strengthening its CRO partnerships through Europe”.
Find out more:
• Learn about the GlobalReady model
• For more information about the benefits of running your next study with Avance Clinical contact us
• Request a Proposal here
About Avance Clinical | Request a Proposal
Avance Clinical is the largest premium full-service Australian, Asian and North American CRO delivering quality clinical trials with globally accepted data for international biotechs. The company’s clients are biotechs completing Phase I to Phase III of their drug development program that requires fast, agile, and adaptive solution-oriented clinical research services.
Frost & Sullivan Awards
Avance Clinical, a Frost & Sullivan Asia-Pacific CRO Market Leadership Award recipient for the past four years, has been providing CRO services in the region for more than three decades.
Pre-clinical through to mid to late phase
Avance Clinical offers pre-clinical consulting and regulatory services with their experienced ClinicReady team right from pre-clinical consultancy through to Phase III clinical services leveraging significant Australian Government incentive rebates of up to 43.5% and rapid start-up regulatory processes.
With experience across more than 250 indications, the CRO can deliver world-class results and high-quality internationally accepted data for TGA, FDA and EMA review.
Avance Clinical uses state-of-the-art technology and gold standard systems across all functional areas to provide clients with the most effective processes. Medidata, Oracle, TrialHub, Certinia, Salesforce, Zelta and Medrio are just some of the technology partners.
Media Contact:
Avance Clinical
Kate Thompson
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