Medela Launches Innovative Smart Watch App for New Parents
Leading Breast Pump Brand Introduces Extension to Award-Winning Medela FamilyTM App to Enable Essential Tracking for New Parents on the Move
Switzerland, Baar, February 22, 2024, Feb. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Medela, the brand trusted by millions of moms*, announced today the global launch of its first-ever Medela Family smart watch app, designed for seamless tracking for Medela breast pumps users. This latest innovation is an extension of the award-winning Medela Family app, which supports new and expectant families worldwide by tracking breastfeeding and pumping sessions, as well as milk storage and other key metrics. The new smart watch app caters to the needs of new parents, offering quick, convenient tracking while on the move.
“Medela is committed to supporting mothers and families through innovative solutions, nurturing health for generations,” emphasizes Annette Brüls, CEO of Medela. “We understand the dynamic lifestyle of today’s moms and strive to offer tools that simplify the breastfeeding and pumping journey for new parents. This app is more than a convenience; it’s a way to stay intimately connected with your baby’s needs, even during the busiest of days.”
Seamless Integration
Compatible with both WatchOS® and Wear OS, the Medela Family smart watch app synchronizes automatically with the main smartphone app. This integration provides uninterrupted tracking of baby's activities, from breastfeeding and pumping to sleep and diaper patterns.
The smart watch app includes an array of essential features to assist parents:
- Virtual Milk Storage Inventory: Easily check the milk stash quantity.
- Breastfeeding Tracking: Log sessions with a simple tap for a complete record of the baby's feeding patterns.
- Pumping Tracking: Easily record duration and quantity of pumping sessions.
- Bottle Tracking: Accurately keep track of ounces or milliliters fed.
- Sleep Tracking: Record the baby’s sleep, gaining insights into their restful moments.
- Diaper Tracking: Note diaper changes to ensure the baby's comfort.
User-Friendly Interface
The interface of the watch app features dedicated tabs for each function, providing quick, on-the-go tracking with streamlined controls. While the watch app focuses on essential tracking, the full range of features, including detailed data input, is available on the smartphone app, ensuring a comprehensive record.
The Medela Family app is used around the world by expectant and breastfeeding families to track inputs from pregnancy through baby’s first years, offering personalized, evidence-based guidance and easy tracking to simplify breastfeeding and pumping for new parents. The app also includes connectivity to Medela breast pumps, checklists for returning to work, virtual milk storage, and more.
Download the Medela Family app for free from the App Store® and Google Play. Visit Medela Family for more information.
*Medela global sales, 2022
Wear OS and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.
WatchOS® is a trademark of Apple Inc. App Store® is a service mark of Apple Inc.
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Medela AG
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