Global Liver Institute Welcomes Larry R. Holden as CEO
Washington, DC, Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Board of Directors of Global Liver Institute (GLI), the premier liver patient advocacy organization, has appointed Larry R. Holden as the organization's Chief Executive Officer, as of September 2024. Mr. Holden succeeds Founder and ten-year CEO Donna R. Cryer, JD, as the chief executive of the high-impact, patient-centered organization.
“After a rigorous strategic assessment of our organization and a competitive search process, we are pleased to announce Mr. Holden's new role,” shared Brian Munroe, Chair of the Board's Succession Committee. Victor J. Reyes, MBA, GLI's Board Chair, added: “We are inspired by his commitment to shepherd GLI into its next era of powerful patient advocacy.”
Former Chief of Staff and COO of GLI, Mr. Holden has directly served the global community of liver patients and their families for more than four years. “It is an honor to be named as the CEO of GLI,” said Larry R. Holden. “I am humbled to carry on Donna Cryer's legacy, and I look forward to building and strengthening this organization as we continue to serve liver patients and their families globally.”
After facing years of stigma and inattention at individual and systemic levels, liver health has become one of the greatest threats to well-being around the world.
- An estimated 1.5 billion people worldwide are affected by liver disease.
- Liver cancer is the third deadliest cancer in the world – despite the fact that about 70% of cases are preventable.
- There are millions of new cases of viral hepatitis each year even though there are powerful tools available to prevent and cure many infections.
- With changing lifestyles and increasing rates of obesity and diabetes around the world, fatty liver disease has risen to affect approximately 30% of people worldwide.
Mr. Holden succeeds Founder Donna R. Cryer, JD, a pioneer in the patient engagement movement and innovator across digital, clinical, and policy arenas. Mrs. Cryer will remain on the board after having launched and shepherded GLI through its first decade of advocacy excellence. The impact of this work is undeniable:
- Through its Advanced Advocacy Academy, GLI has trained more than 375 advocates who have started community-based organizations, served on research advisory councils, organized advocacy on Capitol Hill, and much more.
- GLI staff and community members have testified before the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, FDA advisory committees, and leading hepatology societies to advance policies that support liver health.
- This advocacy has led to successes that include the passage of the Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Act of 2023, landmark legislation that demands accountability and excellence for organ donors and recipients.
- Through its three disease-state Councils, GLI ensures patients and caregivers have an equal seat at the table as more than 180+ Council members, including leading researchers, clinicians, advocacy organizations, and industry champions, chart the paths forward for Fatty Liver Disease, Liver Cancers, and Pediatric and Rare Liver Diseases.
- Through its annual education and awareness campaigns, GLI convenes and equips 150+ scientific societies and organizations from 75+ countries to educate about, advocate for, and promote liver health – including more than 70,000 screenings conducted in 2023.
The Board of Directors of GLI congratulates Mr. Holden as he steps into his new role.
About Larry R. Holden
Larry R. Holden has spent most of his personal and professional life engaging as a public servant. He has a special connection to liver health, as several of his family members are affected by it and continue to face ongoing struggles. A tireless advocate for the patient's voice, he now uses his years of political experience and his vast network of congressional contacts to serve the public good. Before stepping into the role of CEO, Mr. Holden has served the liver community in a variety of capacities at GLI, including as Chief of Staff and his most recent role as Chief Operating Officer.
Mr. Holden served for over two decades in politics and policy positions in Washington, D.C. In that time, he worked for U.S. Senator Hank Brown (CO), helped negotiate international security agreements with foreign governments, started a political Internet company, served as Chief of Staff to U.S. Congressman Shays (CT), and was President of the Medical Device Manufacturers Association.
In addition to his political work, Mr. Holden has over 15 years' experience creating and running small businesses. He started three for-profit businesses that were all sold successfully to investors. He believes that using for-profit models to drive efficiencies in the nonprofit world gives charities the best chance for success and the best outcomes for the patients served. Believing strongly in servant leadership, he guides, counsels, and mentors many in the field.
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About Global Liver Institute
Global Liver Institute (GLI) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in the belief that liver health must take its place on the global public health agenda commensurate with the prevalence and impact of liver illness. GLI promotes innovation, encourages collaboration, and supports the scaling of optimal approaches to help eradicate liver diseases. Operating globally, GLI is committed to solving the problems that matter to liver patients and equipping advocates to improve the lives of individuals and families impacted by liver disease. Follow GLI on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, or visit
Christine Maalouf
Global Liver Institute
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