Intesa Sanpaolo Leads in Europe for Relations with Investors and Analysts and for Best ESG Program
The results are based on a broad survey of around 1,800 institutional investors and financial analysts conducted by Extel
MILAN, Sept. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - LaPresse- Intesa Sanpaolo is once again Europe’s leading bank for relations with institutional investors and financial analysts and for Best ESG Program, according to the 2024 survey by the research firm Extel (formerly Institutional Investor Research).
Carlo Messina is the Best CEO in the European banking sector for the seventh year since the ranking was introduced nine years ago, reflecting the votes of both institutional investors and financial analysts. In the other two years, Messina placed second in the European rankings.
Intesa Sanpaolo’s Board of Directors ranks first among European banks as Best Company Board for the third time, claiming the top spot every year since the category was introduced.
Stefano Del Punta – now Senior Advisor to the CEO since April – is voted Best CFO for the eighth consecutive year. Intesa Sanpaolo’s Investor Relations team – led by Marco Delfrate and Andrea Tamagnini – ranked the best in European banking for the seventh year. Marco Delfrate voted Best Investor Relations Professional for the seventh consecutive year. Intesa Sanpaolo ranked first for Best ESG Program among European banks for the fifth consecutive year in recognition of the Group’s ESG strategy, engagement and disclosure. The rankings by Extel – which are based on a broad survey of around 1,800 institutional investors and financial analysts – underline the international financial community’s strong appreciation for an Italian excellence focused on innovation, social impact and sustainability. The financial community also recognizes the quality of Intesa Sanpaolo’s CEO and management team, consistently regarded at the best in Europe by investors and financial analysts.
Extel is an independent research provider that for the past 50 years has enjoyed a strong reputation among institutional investors and financial analysts.
“The continued recognition of Intesa Sanpaolo’s leadership in Europe is a source of immense pride. This is above all thanks to the commitment of our People – who have my deepest gratitude – and to a skilled and cohesive management team, to our unique, well-diversified and resilient business model, and to significant investments in technology. We believe that transparency and responsible communications are vital to our ongoing dialogue with all our stakeholders. Investors and financial analysts appreciate our ability to meet and exceed commitments, along with our sensitivity to ESG issues, positioning us as a global leader in Social Impact,” commented Carlo Messina, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo.
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