Curia Appoints Steve Lavezoli as Vice President
ALBANY, N.Y., Feb. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Curia, a leading contract research, development and manufacturing organization, today announced it has appointed Steve Lavezoli as vice president of biologics effective Feb. 26. Lavezoli will lead Curia’s biologics division, overseeing its discovery, development and manufacturing services.
Steve Lavezoli
Curia's Vice President of Biologics
“This is an exciting time for our biologics team, and we are pleased to have Steve on board,” said Curia CEO Philip Macnabb. “Steve’s remarkable breadth of experience leading commercial operations for biologics development and manufacturing makes him a natural fit to lead our biologics efforts. Under his guidance, I have every confidence that we will further our mission of life-changing life science.”
Lavezoli most recently worked for Scorpius Biologics, a startup CDMO focused on microbial and mammalian biologics development and manufacturing as the vice president of commercial operations. Prior to joining Scorpius, he spent four years with Catalent Biologics, focused on drug substance business development in the U.S. for early-stage clinical programs and later focusing on late-stage commercial program integration. He also spent 12 years in the industrial gasses industry with Linde Gas before joining W.L. Gore in the startup biopharmaceutical division to work on a commercial business/market development role for bulk drug substance single-use items. He earned his B.S. in chemical engineering from Pennsylvania State University.
“Curia holds a unique position in the CDMO industry with an impressive end-to-end offering,” said Lavezoli. “It’s an honor to join a team with such deep scientific expertise and values-driven purpose to drive a positive impact on patients’ lives.”
Learn more about Curia’s biologics offerings here:
About Curia
Curia is a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) with over 30 years of experience, an integrated network of 27 global sites and over 3,500 employees partnering with biopharmaceutical customers to bring life-changing therapies to market. Our biologics and small molecule offerings span discovery through commercialization, with integrated regulatory and analytical capabilities. Our scientific and process experts and state-of-the-art facilities deliver best-in-class experience across drug substance and drug product manufacturing. From curiosity to cure, we deliver every step to improve patients’ lives. Visit us at
Corporate Contact:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:
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