HieFo Introduces High Power DFB Laser Chip for Coherent Optical Transmission
ALHAMBRA, Calif., Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HieFo’s latest product release addresses the demanding requirements of Coherent Optical transmission by combining highly efficient optical output power with narrow line width performance. HieFo’s HCL30 DFB laser product line is available in both O and C bands (in various industry standard wavelengths).
Dr. Genzao Zhang, HieFo Co-founder and CEO, stated: “The HCL30 DFB Laser Chip has been developed for and specifically addresses ‘Coherent Lite’ market requirements; however, based on HieFo’s most recent innovations in chip design, the excellent performance of this laser chip will find broad market applications in the Data Center, AI connectivity, Telecom, and general sensing segments.”
HieFo’s HCL30 is a 1mm cavity length chip available in bare die format or as a chip on carrier (COC), mounted on a proprietary submount. The device delivers 150 mW typical optical output power while achieving spectral line width performance of less than 300 KHz. The HCL30 is an ideal solution for integration in today’s highly integrated optical platforms employed in SiPh based designs. Emerging CPO and LPO technologies can also leverage the unique performance of this newly released laser chip.
The HCL30 is the first new DFB laser product to be released as a result of HieFo’s recent innovations in fundamental InP chip design architecture. Additional product variations will be released in the near future which address specific optical design requirements such as high efficiency for ultra-high optical output power, or extremely narrow line width performance.
Please contact HieFo at info@hiefo.com for more information or to arrange a meeting with us in person at upcoming September industry tradeshows (CIOE and ECOC).
About HieFo
HieFo Corporation is headquartered at 2015 Chestnut St in Alhambra, California 91803. Through a management buyout, HieFo leverages more than four decades of innovative legacy in optoelectronic devices from EMCORE. HieFo now focuses on development and commercialization of high-efficiency photonic devices for optical communication industries and will continue the pursuit of the most innovative and disruptive solutions to serve datacom, telecom, AI connectivity and general sensing industries. For inquiries, please contact info@hiefo.com.
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