精品推荐 —— 光绪元宝
Boutique Recommendation – Guangxu Yuanbao
*本次藏品 光绪元宝
Gold ingots, also known as gold ingots. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was officially named "Yuan Bao", but the meaning is slightly shallow, the meaning of the treasure of the Yuan Dynasty. Accordingly, the folk called gold ingots gold ingots, silver ingots called silver dollar treasure, which contains both political significance, but also a common term for gold and silver currency. Whether it is gold ingot or silver dollar treasure, it is a relatively large amount of circulation goods in ancient times. Gold ingots are mainly used as monetary storage, jewelry, and other ornaments. Has a strong metallic luster, no oxidation, corrosion resistance, density of 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter. Our traditional sense of gold ingots must be gold ingots, in fact, the ancient gold ingots shape no gold ingots shape, generally horseshoe shaped gold ingots, rectangular gold ingots, cube gold ingots, oval gold ingots, gourd shaped gold ingots and so on.
It is well known that the value of gold in ancient times was excellent, and in today's society, gold also has a high value. Qing Dynasty gold ingot this collection not only contains the precious and rare gold, but also has a high collection value. As the saying goes: gold in troubled times, prosperous times collection, in ancient times ordinary people are absolutely unable to use gold, only the court, the nobility have, how is the economy of a country, depends on the amount of gold in the Treasury. As an ancient currency, gold ingots are born as a symbol of "wealth", giving gold and silver more collection value.
Qing Dynasty gold ingots were reserved for the imperial palace in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, and were almost invisible to the people. Our traditional sense of gold ingots must be gold ingots, in fact, the ancient gold ingots shape no gold ingots shape, generally horseshoe shaped gold ingots, rectangular gold ingots, cube gold ingots, oval gold ingots, gourd shaped gold ingots and so on. The surface of the gold ingots is generally engraved with the image of the contemporary emperor, written on the bare foot font, and some are engraved with the age of its manufacture. Can be handed down to the present, well-preserved are treasures, sought after by collectors.
Recently, our company collected a Guangxu Yuanbao, the collection of grams of 238.2g, is the town library money cast during the Guangxu years. Each side of the gold ingot is engraved with patterns, the positive and negative sides are the image of the emperor Guangxu, the side is engraved with the words "Daqing Treasury", and the positive and negative sides are engraved with the words "barefoot" and "upper". Gold ingots have been favored by emperors since the Ming and Qing dynasties, and have become a kind of gold bricks used in ancient imperial palaces for offering sacrifices and burial. This collection in the Qing Dynasty in the late Qing Dynasty for the treasure of the Treasury of the town, coated with obvious traces, regular shape, pure color, belongs to the rare collection.
Please contact Sichuan Junzailai Auction Group Co., LTD for information about the above collections.
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