精品推荐 —— 大明成化年制款绿龙纹大碗
Recommended Boutique -- Ming Chenghua year green dragon grain bowl
*本次藏品 大明成化年制款绿龙纹大碗
典藏尺寸:口径:19cm 高:9cm
The imperial kiln of the Ming Dynasty was made by the Imperial kiln factory in Jingdezhen, which lasted for more than 300 years, from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. After experiencing the "dark period" of the Orthodox, Jingtai and Tianshun porcelain industries, Chenghua's official kiln porcelain industry entered a "revival period". Chenghua porcelain is a milestone in the Ming dynasty porcelain, which has a profound impact on the aesthetics of later generations and Qing Dynasty porcelain, especially the glaze color and type of bucket color porcelain. Chenghua green porcelain is twice fired, that is, first outline the green porcelain pattern, in the green color pattern to apply the outer coating with transparent glaze, after 1300 degrees of high temperature firing once, and then copper as a colorant, and then fill with green color on the exposed pattern, into the kiln low temperature 600 degrees twice fired into green color porcelain.
*本次藏品 大明成化年制款绿龙纹大碗
典藏尺寸:口径:19cm 高:8cm
*本次藏品口径 *本次藏品底款
Recently, our company collected a large green dragon grain bowl, skimming mouth, arc belly, and circle foot. Belly painted green dragon. Apply white glaze both inside and outside the bowl and inside the foot of the ring. The inner bottom and outer walls are decorated with dark flower sea green color cloud dragon pattern. The method is: first in the formed body of the sea water decoration, after transparent glaze, in the dark carving pattern outside the blank to draw the outline of the dragon, the glaze layer on the dragon body to remove, and in the exposed tire carved dragon mouth, hair, scale and other details, into the kiln after high temperature roasting, and then fill the green color in the exposed tire, and then into the color furnace by low temperature roasting. Green strings are drawn on the inner bottom, mouth and foot walls.
Bottom book blue and white both "Ming Chenghua year" six-character double-line block letters. This collection integrates the carving and filling techniques, showing the superb skills and unlimited creativity of ancient Chinese artisans, whether from the perspective of historical value, cultural value or artistic value, this Ming Dynasty Chenghua green dragon grain bowl is a rare treasure.
Please contact Sichuan Junzailai Auction Group Co., LTD for information about the above collections.
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