Boyden France Names Global Leader, François Nouri, Partner
François Brings Two Decades of Human Resources and Executive Search Experience, Effectively Aligning Top Talent with Company Culture
PARIS, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Boyden, a premier global leadership and talent advisory firm, has named François Nouri Partner. Based in Paris, François joins the partnership’s growing Executive Search team in France, assisting the firm’s suite of clients with the recruitment of top-tier executives, including Board members, C-suite, and senior management.
François Nouri Headshot
François Nouri Headshot
Pierre Fouques Duparc, Managing Partner, Boyden France, comments, “François brings a proven approach to executive search at Boyden, seamlessly integrating an evidence-based, data-driven methodology with an intuitive understanding of the human element. His breadth of experience is known throughout the industry and across sectors, and we’re thrilled to welcome him to our global partnership.”
François is a global leader with more than two decades of experience in human resources and executive search across a wide range of sectors, including financial services, technology, and consumer products. Drawing on his extensive experience in human resources, François has a keen understanding of the needs of HR teams and business leaders. He expertly combines quantitative data with qualitative insights to ensure that each candidate is not only a professional fit but also aligns with the company's culture.
Most recently, François held the role of Global Head of Talent, Performance and Assessment for Philip Morris International. Additionally, he has served as HR Director, Talent and Development for Microsoft and Head of Group HR Solutions for Société Générale. Beyond this, François has served as an industry expert, speaking at the Décideurs RH Conference (2024) and U-Spring Conference in Paris (2024).
François Nouri adds, “Boyden has a highly respected reputation in our industry, due to its deep-rooted entrepreneurial spirit, collaborative culture, and commitment to high-touch client service. Having been on the other side of the desk, I understand the expectations HR leaders and business executives have when working with a talent recruitment firm. I'm excited to bring that knowledge to Boyden — and, by extension, to our clients.”
About Boyden
Boyden is a premier leadership and talent advisory firm with more than 75 offices in over 45 countries. Our global reach enables us to serve clients' needs anywhere they conduct business. We connect great companies with great leaders through executive search, interim management and leadership consulting solutions. Boyden is ranked amongst the top companies on Forbes’ America's Best Executive Recruiting Firms for 2024. For further information, visit
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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