OTC Markets Group Announces Official Launch of OTC Overnight, Expanding Global Market Access
NEW YORK, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM; “the Company”), the operator of regulated financial markets for over 12,000 U.S. and global securities, today announced the official launch of OTC Overnight. A select group of active securities are now available for trading Sunday through Thursday between 8 PM and 4 AM Eastern Time.
The Company first announced OTC Overnight in May, noting proposed market hours and the type of securities to be eligible at launch. This month’s launch comes at a time of increasing client demand for OTC Markets’ unique set of global securities priced in U.S. Dollars. OTC Overnight provides trading capabilities that will significantly expand market accessibility, transparency, and comprehensive data coverage for the OTC markets. By using existing infrastructure and connectivity, broker-dealer subscribers can efficiently add overnight trading capabilities to meet their customer demand.
With OTC Overnight trading and reporting functionality now live on OTC Link NQB, an SEC-regulated Alternative Trading System, a select group of active securities are now eligible for trading in overnight sessions by broker-dealer subscribers in U.S. dollars. This includes liquid ADRs of global companies such as adidas, Heineken and Roche Holding, as well as ordinary shares of well-known companies like Bombardier and Air Canada Inc. While the initial launch applies to a limited group of securities, the Company plans to expand the offering to additional securities over the near term.
The Company continues to take steps to establish itself as a global market that meets the needs of investors, broker-dealers, and issuers. OTC Overnight signifies an evolution of the Company’s service, launched at a critical moment as innovative broker-dealers seek to enhance the trading experience for investors in the U.S. and Asia.
Matt Fuchs, Executive Vice President of Market Data at OTC Markets Group, commented, “We are excited to bring this innovative offering to fruition. OTC Overnight will provide a transparent, competitive, and cost-effective market to support the growing needs of investors, broker-dealers, and issuers. It is an important step in furthering our company’s mission to create better informed and more efficient markets.”
To learn more about OTC Overnight, visit https://www.otcmarkets.com/otc-link/otc-overnight-trading or https://www.otcmarkets.com/market-data/otc-overnight.
About OTC Markets Group Inc.
OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM) operates regulated markets for trading 12,000 U.S. and international securities. Our data-driven disclosure standards form the foundation of our three public markets: OTCQX® Best Market, OTCQB® Venture Market and Pink® Open Market. Our OTC Link® Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) provide critical market infrastructure that broker-dealers rely on to facilitate trading. Our innovative model offers companies more efficient access to the U.S. financial markets. OTC Link ATS, OTC Link ECN and OTC Link NQB are each an SEC regulated ATS, operated by OTC Link LLC, a FINRA and SEC registered broker-dealer, member SIPC.
Media Inquiries:
OTC Markets Group Inc., +1 (212) 896-4428, media@otcmarkets.com
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