International companies to host live webcasts at Deutsche Bank’s Depositary Receipts Virtual Investo
NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Deutsche Bank today announced the lineup for its Depositary Receipts Virtual Investor Conference (“dbVIC”) on Tuesday, September 24 and Wednesday, September 25, featuring live webcast presentations from international companies with American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programs in the US.
Representatives from participating companies based in China, France, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom will respond to questions during formal presentations. The conference is targeted to all categories of investors and analysts interested in international companies.
There is no fee for participants to log in, attend live presentations and/or ask questions.
Pre-registration is suggested. Please register here: Deutsche Bank ADR Virtual Investor Conference
September 24 Agenda (US Eastern Standard Time):
- 8:00 AM: First Pacific Company Ltd (HKEX: 142, OTC: FPAFY)
- 8:30 AM: Lotus Technology Inc (NASDAQ: LOT)
- 9:00 AM: HUTCHMED (China) Limited (AIM: HCM, NASDAQ: HCM, and HKEX:13)
- 9:30 AM: iHuman Inc. (NYSE: IH)
- 10:00 AM: Marks and Spencer (LSE: MKS, OTC: MAKSY)
- 10:30 AM: SSE plc (LSE: SSE, OTC: SSEZY)
- 11:00 AM: BDO Unibank, Inc (PSE: BDO, OTC: BDOUY)
- 11:30 AM: AstraZeneca plc (LSE: AZN, NASDAQ: AZN)
September 25 Agenda (US Eastern Standard Time):
- 8:00 AM: Yiren Digital Ltd (NYSE: YRD)
- 8:30 AM: KPN (Euronext Amsterdam: KPN, OTC: KKPNY)
- 9:00 AM: Viomi Technology Co., Ltd (NASDAQ: VIOT)
- 9:30 AM: Carrefour S.A. (Euronext Paris: CA, OTC: CRRFY)
- 10:00 AM: EDP Group (Euronext Lisbon: EDP, OTC: EDPFY)
- 10:30 AM: Repsol S.A (BMAD: REP, OTC: REPYY)
- 11:00 AM: Belite Bio, Inc (NASDAQ: BLTE)
- 11:30 AM: DSM-Firmenich AG (DSFIR:AEX, OTC: DSFIY)
The presentations will be available for replay after the Conference.
In addition to specializing in administering cross-border equity structures such as American and Global Depositary Receipts, Deutsche Bank provides corporates, financial institutions, hedge funds and supranational agencies around the world with trustee, agency, escrow and related services. The Bank offers a broad range of services for diverse products, from complex securitizations and project finance to syndicated loans, debt exchanges and restructurings.
For further information, please contact:
Dylan Riddle
Deutsche Bank AG
Press & Media Relations
Tel. +12122504982
Cell. +1(904)3866481
Deutsche Bank provides commercial and investment banking, retail banking, transaction banking and asset and wealth management products and services to corporations, governments, institutional investors, small and medium-sized businesses, and private individuals. Deutsche Bank is Germany’s leading bank, with a strong position in Europe and a significant presence in the Americas and Asia Pacific.
Deutsche Bank is sponsoring the Deutsche Bank Depositary Receipt Investor Conference solely for informational purposes. Deutsche Bank does not prepare, review, approve or edit any presentations, statements, documents or other information or materials, whether in written, electronic or verbal form, provided by any company participating in such conference, and disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of any such information or materials. Deutsche Bank is not promoting, endorsing or recommending any company participating in the conference.
The Depositary Receipts have been registered pursuant to the US Securities Act of 1933 (the “Act”). The investment or investment service which is the subject of this notice is not available to retail clients as defined by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. This notice has been approved and/or communicated by Deutsche Bank AG New York. The services described in this notice are provided by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas (Deutsche Bank) or by its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in accordance with appropriate local registration and regulation. Deutsche Bank is providing the attached notice strictly for information purposes and makes no claims or statement, nor does it warrant or in any way represent, as to the accuracy or completeness of the details contained herein or therein. This announcement appears as a matter of record only. Neither this announcement nor the information contained herein constitutes an offer or solicitation by Deutsche Bank or any other issuer or entity for the purchase or sale of any securities nor does it constitute a solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction where solicitation would be unlawful. No part of this notice may be copied or reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of Deutsche Bank. Past results are not an indication of future performance. Copyright© September 2024 Deutsche Bank AG. All rights reserved.
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