Alvarez & Marsal Tax Expands Across Asia Pacific Hiring James Badenach as Managing Director to L
With decades of world-wide industry experience, James will spearhead A&M Tax’s full suite of advisory services across APAC (ex-Australia).
Alvarez & Marsal Tax (A&M Tax), an affiliate of leading global professional services firm Alvarez & Marsal (A&M), announced its expansion across the Asia-Pacific region (APAC) with the appointment of James Badenach as a Managing Director and Head of A&M Tax, APAC (ex-Australia). With the latest expansion of talent and capabilities at A&M Tax in Australia, James is set to build a full-scale tax practice, extending A&M’s global tax advisory offerings across the APAC region to deliver an alternative solution free from audit conflicts.
James brings over three decades of international corporate tax experience, including transfer pricing, controversy resolution, and Hong Kong profits tax to his role at A&M. He specializes in international and Asia Pacific tax matters related to double tax treaties, the tax implications of regulatory and hybrid capital, cross border financial transactions and operational tax. James helps clients navigate issues stemming from Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS 2.0) as well as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) two-Pillar initiative to ensure multinational enterprises pay an equitable share of taxes in their operating jurisdictions. His international expertise spans Australia, the UK, and Latin America for global banking and capital markets, financial institutions, along with asset management, insurance, private equity firms, and diversified conglomerates.
Ernesto (Ernie) Perez, Global Practice Leader of A&M Tax, said, “James’ appointment reinforces A&M Tax’s commitment to global expansion and keen interest in growth markets. We have already seen explosive growth in Australia and James will build upon that momentum with scope and scale in both new and existing jurisdictions across the region. APAC is very broad and culturally diverse. Thus, a significant portion of capital and investments flow cross-border between interconnected nations. We can satisfy market demand offering clients a premium global tax practice operating seamlessly across borders, unencumbered by audit conflicts.”
Initially, A&M Tax APAC will offer a range of high-value tax advisory, compliance and transfer pricing services, in Hong Kong and Singapore, rapidly followed by offerings in China, India, Japan, Korea, Indonesia and other markets. A&M Tax’s APAC expansion plan leverages the firm’s integrated platform, global network of cross-divisional tax professionals and freedom from audit conflicts.
James added, “Clients in APAC are demanding a global alternative to the audit firms with regional, local, and cross border tax expertise. Clients across the region understand the value as well as the costs and pain that can be mitigated by bringing in the right tax expertise at the right time—particularly in a rapidly changing international tax environment.”
Prior to joining A&M, James served as Asia Pacific International Corporate Tax Advisory Leader and Financial Services International Tax Leader for EY. There, he advised on Hong Kong and international tax matters, including the tax implications of transactions, optimal cross-border arrangements, access structures, tax policy developments and the impact of (OECD) driven changes on the international tax framework. Additionally, he originated the TaxGrid project, an industry and government program to address legal and regulatory issues involving global withholding tax challenges.
James is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) and was the former chair of the Capital Markets Tax Committee of Asia.
About Alvarez & Marsal
Companies, investors, and government entities around the world turn to Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) for leadership, action and results. Privately held since its founding in 1983, A&M is a leading global professional services firm that provides advisory, business performance improvement and turnaround management services. When conventional approaches are not enough to create transformation and drive change, clients seek our deep expertise and ability to deliver practical solutions to their unique problems.
With over 10,000 people across six continents, we deliver tangible results for corporates, boards, private equity firms, law firms and government agencies facing complex challenges. Our senior leaders, and their teams, leverage A&M’s restructuring heritage to help companies act decisively, catapult growth and accelerate results. We are experienced operators, world-class consultants, former regulators and industry authorities with a shared commitment to telling clients what is really needed for turning change into a strategic business asset, managing risk and unlocking value at every stage of growth.
About Alvarez & Marsal Tax
Alvarez & Marsal Tax part of Alvarez & Marsal (A&M), a leading global professional services firm, is an independent tax group made up of experienced tax professionals dedicated to providing customized tax advice to clients and investors across a broad range of industries. Its professionals extend A&M's commitment to offering clients a choice of advisers who are free from audit-based conflicts of interest and bring an unyielding commitment to delivering responsive client service. A&M Tax has offices in major metropolitan markets throughout the Americas, EMEA, and APAC.
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