2025 CPM Trends: Businesses Embrace Predictive Tools to Navigate Uncertainty
BPM Partners and BARC Release Joint Global CPM Report
WUERZBURG, Germany and STAMFORD, Conn., Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - BARC and BPM Partners have released the Global CPM Trends and Priorities Report 2025 or Global CPM Trends and Priorities Report 2025 | BPM Partners, which provides an in-depth look at the evolving corporate performance management (CPM) market. The report is based on a survey of 1,355 professionals worldwide. It reveals how companies are shifting to advanced planning tools and cloud-based solutions to address economic challenges.
Growing demand for predictive planning and forecasting
One of the report's key findings is the growing interest in predictive planning and forecasting, with 53% of organizations planning to adopt these capabilities. Economic pressures are driving companies to update forecasts more frequently and with greater accuracy. This marks a significant shift in how organizations approach performance management.
Cloud adoption accelerates, but regional disparities persist
Cloud-based CPM tools are being widely adopted, with 68% of organizations in Asia and 62% in North America using cloud solutions. However, European organizations lag behind, with only 42% using cloud-based planning. The cloud is helping organizations improve collaboration and accelerate planning cycles, especially in distributed environments.
Integration of financial and operational planning gains momentum
As companies look to improve decision making, the integration of financial and operational planning has emerged as a priority for 33% of companies. This integration provides a more holistic view of business performance and aligns operational activities with financial goals for better forecasting and execution.
Key Insights from Industry Experts
"Predictive planning and cloud-based CPM solutions are increasingly essential for companies facing today's economic challenges," said Craig Schiff, CEO of BPM Partners and co-author of the report. "The ability to update forecasts frequently and with greater accuracy can mean the difference between staying ahead or falling behind in a volatile market."
"Companies are now recognizing the value of integrating operational and financial plans, and this trend is only going to grow," added Dr. Christian Fuchs, Head of Data & Analytics Research at BARC and co-author of the report. "By providing a more complete view of the business, these integrated solutions help companies monitor performance more effectively and make data-driven decisions."
Thanks to the sponsorship of JustPerform, Lumel, and Planful, the report is available for free download here or Global CPM Trends and Priorities Report 2025 | BPM Partners
About BPM Partners
BPM Partners is the leading independent authority on business performance management (BPM/CPM/EPM) and related business intelligence solutions and has been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Best Management Consulting Firms. The company helps organizations address their budgeting, planning, financial consolidation, close and reporting, regulatory compliance, profitability optimization, key performance indicator (KPI) development, and operational performance challenges. Vendor-neutral experts guide companies through their BPM initiatives from start to finish while both reducing risk and minimizing costs. For further details, go to BPMPartners.com. Follow BPM Partners on Twitter @BPMTeam and LinkedIn BPM Partners | LinkedIn.
About BARC
BARC is a leading analyst firm for data & analytics and enterprise software with a reputation for unbiased and trusted advice. Our expert analysts deliver a wide range of research, events, and advisory services for the data & analytics community. Our innovative research evaluates software and vendors rigorously and highlights market trends, delivering insights that enable our customers to innovate with data, analytics and AI. BARC’s 25 years of experience with data strategy & culture, data architecture, organization and software selection help clients transform into truly data-driven organizations. For further details, go to BARC.com. Follow BARC on LinkedIn BARC | LinkedIn.
Media Contacts: | |
Axel Bange | Bobbie Carlton, |
BARC | Carlton PR & Marketing, Inc. |
+49 160 5788003 | (781) 718-7619 |
abange@barc.com | Bobbie@CarltonPRMarketing.com |
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