Io Therapeutics, Inc., presented data from studies of IRX4204, the company's phase II clinical
Io Therapeutics, Inc., presented data from studies of IRX4204, the company's phase II clinical stage RXR agonist for treatment of normal aging-related neurodegeneration, at the FASEB Science Research Conference on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Aging
SPRING, Texas, Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Io Therapeutics, Inc., presented results from studies done on the potential for prevention and treatment of normal aging-related neurodegeneration with its clinical stage experimental therapeutic RXR agonist compound IRX4204. The presentation titled “The highly potent and selective third generation RXR nuclear receptor agonist compound IRX4204 has potential for prevention and treatment of normal aging-related neurodegeneration” was presented at the FASEB Research Conference on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Aging, being held in Niagara Falls, NY, USA. The presentation was authored by Vidyasagar Vuligonda, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer, and Martin E. Sanders, M.D., Chief Executive Officer.
Normal aging-related neurodegeneration is causally related to chronic low-grade inflammation in the brain, so called neuro-inflammaging. Neuro-inflammaging results in chronic loss of myelinated nerve fibers which conduct neuroelectric signals for communication between neurons. Over time, neuro-inflammaging also results in death of neurons. These natural processes start in the brains of normal healthy humans around the third decade of life, and progress with gradual decline of cognitive, memory, special senses, and physical functions through the remainder of life.
The studies showed that IRX4204 inhibits brain inflammation by decreasing production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 by microglial cells. It also promotes growth of immunosuppressive regulatory Treg cells and inhibits Th17 cells from producing the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-17. Thereby IRX4204 has pharmacologic mechanisms of action addressing two types of neuroinflammation observed in normal aging-related neurodegeneration. IRX4204 also promotes development of myelin-producing cells, which protect and repair damaged myelinated nerve fibers. Further, IRX4204 has direct effects on survival of neurons, and neurorestorative effects on neurons, by increasing their growth of neurites. These effects were observed with IRX4204 alone, and synergistically in combination with insulin, demonstrating IRX4204 has insulin sensitizing activity on neurons. Neuronal insulin insensitivity is a known contributing factor to brain aging. Cumulatively, these studies demonstrated that IRX4204 has benefit on multiple processes of normal brain aging, i.e., neuroinflammation, loss of myelinated nerve fibers, neuronal insulin insensitivity, loss of neuronal interconnections, and decreased neuron survival.
Dr. Vuligonda stated, “These findings support the potential of IRX4204 for prevention and treatment of normal aging-related neurodegeneration. Because we observed restoration of lost myelinated nerve fibers, and formation of new neurites, both of which could restore functional inter-neuronal communications, we believe that IRX4204 has potential for reversing to some degree the cognitive decline and other disabling manifestations of normal brain aging.”
Dr. Sanders stated “Io Therapeutics has previously observed promising potential benefit of IRX4204 in a pilot open-label clinical trial of IRX4204 in patients with Parkinson's disease. The company is planning a placebo-controlled double-blind phase II clinical trial of IRX4204 in Parkinson's disease, to be initiated in Q1 of 2025. We look forward to also conducting exploratory clinical trials of IRX4204 in individuals experiencing normal-aging related neurodegeneration.”
About Io Therapeutics: Io Therapeutics, Inc. is a privately held company headquartered in Spring, Texas. More information on Io Therapeutics and its product development programs is available on the company's web site:
Forward Looking Statements: This new release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
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