Helping Ukraine Preserve Cultural Heritage through the ARK Project
LVIV, Ukraine, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Karel Komárek Family Foundation (KKFF), a leading Czech charity, in partnership with the "Supporting Ukrainian Culture" initiative, a joint project of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Czech Committee of International Council of Museums (ICOM) took further steps to help to preserve Ukrainian cultural heritage amid ongoing war. In partnership with the National Preserve Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the scope of the ARK project was officially expanded at the Institute for Cultural Strategy in Lviv yesterday. The Initiative is being realized under the patronage of the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic, with financial support from KKFF and portfolio companies of KKCG.
As Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine continues, the country's cultural heritage sites have been systematically targeted, resulting in devastating losses to historical and artistic treasures. In response, KKFF, in collaboration with the Czech and Ukrainian Ministries of Culture, the National Museum of the Czech Republic, and the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Czech committee, with support of private philanthropy and companies like MND, launched the ARK project in late 2023. The groundbreaking mobile units at the heart of the project are designed to preserve Ukrainian literature and cultural artifacts through digitization. With UNESCO reporting that nearly 500 cultural sites have been destroyed or significantly damaged since February 2022, the ARK project is a vital effort to protect Ukraine’s identity and ensure its legacy endures for future generations.
At the core of the ARK Project are Mobile Safeguard Vehicles (MSVs), equipped with state-of-the-art technology for the protection and transportation of cultural artifacts. These MSVs feature autonomous operation, remote monitoring, real-time tracking, and environmental control systems. In addition, security features prevent unauthorized access and tampering, creating a secure environment for safeguarding rescued artifacts. The first MSV is expected to be deployed by the end of 2024.
These vehicles will allow cultural workers in war-affected areas to rescue historical books and create digital copies and 3D scans of immovable objects, such as frescoes, that cannot be physically relocated.
Luboš Veselý, Director of KKFF, explained: “The ARK initiative is deeply meaningful to KKFF, as supporting culture and the arts is central to our mission. We have a long history of supporting Ukraine and its people. As we witness the deliberate destruction of Ukraine's cultural heritage, this project resonates with us all the more strongly.”
Following a roundtable discussion with representatives from select cultural institutions, a joint declaration was signed regarding the "Supporting Ukrainian Culture" initiative and ARK III, a new mobile digitization workstation to be purpose-built and deployed in 2025. The declaration was signed by Ondřej Chrást, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic, and Maksym Ostapenko, Director-General of the National Preserve "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra."
ARK III will focus on the digitization of 3D objects and is being prepared in collaboration with the National Museum of the Czech Republic. The complexity of the ARK III project is unparalleled, as it combines a rescue and digitization site along with a compact mobile unit that can be quickly deployed. This will enable the digitization of smaller artefacts found in endangered museums and galleries across Ukraine.
Ondřej Chrást added: “This initiative is crucial not only for safeguarding Ukrainian culture but also for protecting global cultural heritage. Ukrainian artists, writers, and historical artifacts are part of the shared human experience, enriching world culture with their unique contributions. The ARK project ensures these invaluable assets are not lost to the destruction of war.”
Maksym Ostapenko continued: "The ARK project is lifeline for Ukraine’s cultural treasures, and a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. By preserving our heritage, we are protecting the soul of Ukraine. This collaboration is a testament to the power of unity in preserving what defines us as a people."
Michal Lukeš, Director General of the National Museum of the Czech Republic said: “The ARK Project can serve as a global model for cultural preservation. It demonstrates how private foundations, corporations, public institutions, and NGOs can collaborate effectively to protect cultural heritage, raising awareness of its importance, particularly in conflict zones. If this initiative inspires similar efforts globally, it will advance the movement for cultural preservation.”
For more information on the Ark project and how to support it, please visit
About the Karel Komárek Family Foundation
The Karel Komárek Family Foundation, founded by Czech entrepreneur Karel Komárek and his wife Štěpánka, is dedicated to supporting cultural, educational, and social projects that have a lasting impact on society. A key focus of the foundation is the development and revitalization of public spaces, transforming parks, school gardens, and other communal areas into vibrant, functional places that strengthen community ties. By combining construction and landscaping with cultural and educational activities, the foundation fosters environments that encourage dialogue, preserve cultural heritage, and inspire creativity, making these spaces vital hubs for community life.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
Media Contact:
Jonathan Hoffmann
+420 602 633 105
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