Sportradar Launches FanID Connecting Rightsholders and Brands with Sports Fans in a Post-Cookie Worl
Sportradar FanID features first data clean room for sports industry, delivers personalized marketing at scale
ST. GALLEN, Switzerland, Jan. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sportradar (NASDAQ: SRAD) today announced the launch of Sportradar FanID, a unique, end-to-end first-party marketing solution combining the first data clean room for the sports industry with the company’s proprietary marketing activation technology, to offer rightsholders and brands personalized fan engagement in a post-third-party cookie world.
Sportradar is well positioned to provide this solution to brands and rightsholders by leveraging the power of its vast network of global clients and partners. Together with the company’s unparalleled data coverage and sophisticated advertising technology, it can deliver sports fan insights that are deeper and more contextually relevant for such companies to monetize against.
The anticipated removal of third-party cookies in 2024 is compelling marketers to find alternative methods for collecting and leveraging data to connect with consumers. Sportradar’s data clean room addresses this challenge for the sports industry, allowing multiple parties to collaborate on first-party datasets. Created using confidential cloud computing technology, it provides a secure and privacy compliant way to reach sports fans at scale.
Sportradar FanID benefits rightsholders by providing a greater understanding of fans’ interests and purchase intent, while enhancing the value they provide sponsors. For brands, Sportradar FanID facilitates scalable, direct engagement with fans through personalized, timely and relevant ads.
The Sportradar FanID process includes:
1. Data Collection: Rightsholders and brands embed interactive tools into their digital channels to capture first-party data.
2. Data Connection: Collected data sets are shared in the data clean room to create comprehensive and anonymized fan profiles.
3. Data Activation: Leveraging proprietary marketing activation technology, relevant and personalized digital advertising content is served on a one-to-one basis.
4. Data Orchestration: Content is delivered to fans at the right time and through the best channel with effectiveness measured.
Rainer Geier, EVP, Fan Engagement at Sportradar, said: “The crumbling of the third-party cookie represents a significant opportunity for rightsholders and brands to gain a greater understanding of fans, while also enabling more efficient and seamless delivery of digital advertising content.
“We are the industry leader and partner to many clients around the world, which has allowed us to gather the most comprehensive understanding of fan behaviour and insights. Sportradar FanID is an example of how we are extending our innovative capabilities, and it will serve as a catalyst for further product innovation and increased monetization potential.”
For further information and a video presentation, please visit:
About Sportradar
Sportradar Group AG (NASDAQ: SRAD), founded in 2001, is a leading global sports technology company creating immersive experiences for sports fans and bettors. Positioned at the intersection of the sports, media and betting industries, the company provides sports federations, news media, consumer platforms and sports betting operators with a best-in-class range of solutions to help grow their business. As the trusted partner of organizations like the ATP, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, UEFA, FIFA and Bundesliga, Sportradar covers close to a million events annually across all major sports. With deep industry relationships and expertise, Sportradar is not just redefining the sports fan experience, it also safeguards sports through its Integrity Services division and advocacy for an integrity-driven environment for all involved.
For more information about Sportradar, please visit
Sportradar Contacts
Press Contact:
Sandra Lee
Investor Relations Contact:
Jim Bombassei
Christin Armacost, CFA
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