KAICIID Council of Parties Advances Efforts Toward UN Observer Status
KAICIID Council of Parties Pushes Forward in Securing UN Observer Status
Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The International Dialogue Centre - KAICIID is making significant strides in its pursuit of United Nations (UN) Observer Status, as highlighted during the recent Council of Parties meeting in Lisbon. This strategic initiative aligns with KAICIID's mandate to promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue (IRD/ICD) on a global scale, further reinforcing its role as a key player in fostering peace and cooperation among diverse communities.
During the Council of Parties meeting, held on 13 September 2024, the governing body reiterated support for obtaining Observer Status at the UN General Assembly (UNGA), and recommended to continue strengthening partnerships with key UN entities. The meeting also emphasized the ongoing efforts to expand the Centre’s membership, beginning with the host country, Portugal.
KAICIID Council of Parties Meeting in Portugal
Strategic Vision
KAICIID's pursuit of UN Observer Status reflects its broader strategic vision to reposition the Centre as a global player in intercultural and interreligious dialogue. As outlined in the Centre's recently approved Strategic Plan (2024–2027), the achievement of the UN Observer Status is a top institutional priority. This move would solidify KAICIID's position within the international community, enabling it to participate in the sessions and work of the UN General Assembly in a more formal capacity.
Dr. Zuhair Alharthi, the Centre’s Secretary General (SG) has been leading efforts to advance this goal, engaging in high-level discussions with UN officials and key stakeholders. Recent outreach missions to New York, including bilateral meetings on the margins of the UN High-Level Political Forum in July 2024, have garnered positive feedback from UN high level officials and other international partners.
Building Partnerships for Peace
KAICIID’s journey toward UN Observer Status is closely linked to its commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Through its work, KAICIID promotes multi-stakeholder partnerships, including collaborations with UN entities such as the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), among others. The Centre’s unique expertise in IRD/ICD positions it as a valuable partner in global efforts to promote peace, human rights, and sustainable development.
In addition to its existing partnerships, KAICIID has been actively expanding its programmatic reach into new regions, including Latin America, with the goal of strengthening its presence globally and contributing to dialogue-based peacebuilding initiatives.
Next Steps
As KAICIID progresses toward its goal of obtaining UN Observer Status, the Centre will be taking the necessary steps for this complex and lengthy political process. A key element of this process involves engaging UN Member States to sponsor a draft resolution that would invite KAICIID to participate in the work of the UNGA as an observer.
The Centre will continue its diplomatic engagements, leveraging its growing partnerships and strategic alliances to ensure a positive outcome. By securing UN Observer Status, KAICIID aims to further amplify its role in fostering dialogue, peace, and mutual understanding among the world’s diverse communities.
KAICIID is an intergovernmental organization that brings together religious leaders and policymakers to promote the use of dialogue to resolve conflicts and foster understanding among different cultures and religions. Established by Austria, Saudi Arabia, and Spain, with the Holy See as a founding observer, KAICIID’s mission is to promote peace and cooperation through dialogue at the global level.
Yvonne Baraza International Dialogue Centre - KAICIID yvonne.baraza@kaiciid.org Yasser El-Shazly International Dialogue Centre - KAICIID yasser.el-shazly@kaiciid.org
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