STACK Infrastructure Publishes Inaugural ESG Report
Advancing Sustainable Growth and Community Engagement in the Digital Infrastructure Industry
DENVER and LONDON and SINGAPORE, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STACK Infrastructure (“STACK”), the digital infrastructure partner to the world’s most innovative companies and a leading global developer and operator of data centers, today announced the publication of its inaugural Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. This report marks a significant milestone in STACK’s ongoing commitment to corporate transparency and its mission to scale responsibly.
"Publishing our inaugural ESG report marks a pivotal moment for STACK, as it conveys our unwavering commitment to sustainability and social responsibility,” said John Eland, CEO, STACK EMEA, and STACK’s global executive ESG sponsor. “Through strategic partnerships, we are deepening our commitment to resource efficiency, education, diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and philanthropy. This report not only highlights the progress we've made but also reaffirms our dedication to building a better digital future for our communities, our planet, and our stakeholders.”
The report not only highlights how STACK is embedding ESG principles across its global portfolio, but also sets a clear benchmark for measuring future success of ESG initiatives. It emphasizes the critical role of community engagement and the integration of sustainable development practices in STACK’s growth strategy. By focusing on long-term value creation, STACK aims to ensure that its expansion benefits both the company and the communities it serves.
To learn more about the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability and social impact, download STACK’s 2024 ESG Report here.
STACK provides digital infrastructure to scale the world’s most innovative companies. With a client-first approach, STACK delivers a comprehensive suite of campus, build-to-suit, colocation, and powered shell solutions in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC regions. Offering robust existing and flexible expansion capacity in leading availability zones, STACK meets the needs of rapidly growing hyperscale and enterprise companies. The world runs on data. Data runs on STACK.
For more information about STACK, please visit:
Media Contacts:
Alison Gutman: EMEA
Sammer Khalaf: Americas, APAC
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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