Jetcraft Expands US Presence With New Regional Leadership
Jetcraft, the global leader in business aircraft sales, acquisitions and trades, is today announcing the appointment of Chris Hollingsworth and Sean O’Leary as Regional Vice Presidents (RVPs) to spearhead its operations across the United States.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:
As two of Jetcraft’s top Sales Directors, Hollingsworth and O’Leary’s promotions recognize their excellence in structuring some of business aviation’s most complex, cross-border transactions, with the new strategic leadership positions enhancing the company’s offer of unparalleled service, complemented by on-the-ground market intelligence.
Dan Kilkeary, SVP Sales, Americas at Jetcraft, says: “Following years of confident organic and inorganic business expansion, these appointments are another piece in the intricate global Jetcraft puzzle, strategically designed to deliver excellence for our clients.
“With the US continuing to lead demand for pre-owned business jets, I’m certain that Chris and Sean will, as Regional Vice Presidents, help us take the next step in our North American growth trajectory. Their unstoppable attitude, industry knowledge, and dedication to the high standards for which Jetcraft is renowned, promise a bright future for the US team and our customers.”
The Midwest (East and West) and South Central US territories will be led by Chris Hollingsworth as RVP for the Central US, bringing extensive local and industry knowledge from his 15 years at Jetcraft, most recently as Sales Director for the South Central US.
As RVP for the East Coast US, Sean O’Leary will lead business development in Jetcraft’s Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast US territories, following a successful career as a Sales Director managing Northern Europe transactions.
The appointments are effective October 1 2024 with a third Regional Vice President for Jetcraft in the West Coast US set to be announced in due course.
About Jetcraft
More than brokers, Jetcraft® is a network of global aircraft advisors, offering unmatched international reach and unrivalled local knowledge. The company’s market leading intelligence, strategic financing solutions and extensive inventory support even the most intricate of transactions. For over 60 years Jetcraft has led the way, setting standards that continue to shape the industry. Today, a team of 100+ dedicated aviation specialists across 30+ offices deliver worldwide aircraft sales, acquisitions and trading at the speed of life.
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