Transportation: Mermec at InnoTrans 2024, continuing international expansion
ROME, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mermec, a global leader in advanced technologies for railway safety and digitalization (part of Angel Holding), is a key player at InnoTrans 2024, the world’s largest international trade fair for transportation technology. The company is showcasing its latest innovations in diagnostics, predictive maintenance, and railway safety. Mermec has announced the completion of its acquisition of mainline signaling operations in France, along with the signaling businesses in Germany, the UK, and Korea from Hitachi Rail. This acquisition further strengthens Mermec’s position in the railway signaling sector, particularly in ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System), making it the fourth-largest global player.
Following the acquisition, Mermec Deutschland was established, headquartered in Munich. The new subsidiary will play a key role in managing operations and participating in strategic projects across the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). In France, the company has revived the historic name Compagnie des Signaux (CSEE), a renowned French firm responsible for 100% of the high-speed rail signaling in France, South Korea, and Morocco, as well as many other projects. The company now employs over 600 engineers.
During a panel organized by Mermec at the Axica Convention Center in Berlin, Kristian Schmidt, Director of DG MOVE (Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission), Giampiero Strisciuglio, CEO and General Manager of RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana), Alberto Mazzola, Director of CER (Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies), François Davenne, Director General of UIC (International Union of Railways), and Eric Moran, Director General of Digital Signaling at SNCF, emphasized the importance of high-speed railway programs, particularly ERTMS, within the EU’s new recovery agenda.
Vito Pertosa, President of the MERMEC Group and Angel Holding, stated: “We are proud to announce this significant operation at Axica, alongside the historic Brandenburg Gate, in front of 50 CEOs, Presidents, General Managers, operators, and companies in the railway sector. In recent years, Mermec has become the fourth-largest player worldwide in the railway signaling field (ERTMS).”
Giampiero Strisciuglio, CEO and General Manager of RFI, added: “It is crucial to ensure that the sector, at a European level, achieves standardization of systems and regulations, and that there is sufficient time between the development of new technologies and their implementation.”
Edoardo Rixi, Italy’s Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, while visiting Mermec’s booth at InnoTrans, stated: “Italy is becoming a global reference point in the railway sector.”
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
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