Introducing the FloQast Accounting Transformation Platform: Bringing AI Power to Accounting Automati
Launch of all-new FloQast Journal Entry Management, AI Transaction Matching, Consolidation, FloHub, and major solution updates underpin platform launch
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FloQast today announced the start of a new era of accounting operational excellence, driven by the debut of its all-new Accounting Transformation Platform, purpose-built by accountants, for accountants. Incorporating the entire FloQast™ solution portfolio, including FloQast Close, FloQast Compliance Management, and FloQast Ops, the Accounting Transformation Platform unveils new AI workflows to deliver value throughout every step of the accounting journey, including:
FloQast also introduced several all-new solutions that align with each of these four steps, elevating accountants from simply being workflow stewards to critical drivers of organizational strategy – and empowering organizations to achieve transformation without disruption. The Accounting Transformation Platform and these solutions were unveiled at TakeControl, FloQast’s annual user conference, taking place from September 25-26, 2024.
FloQast developed the Accounting Transformation Platform over more than a decade of innovation, supercharged by the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. Built from direct customer feedback and deep industry expertise, the platform not only addresses evolving market demands, shifting regulatory landscapes, and the growing pressure on accounting leaders to deliver more with fewer resources in the face of a worsening talent shortage but also positions AI as a transformative force. By integrating AI, the platform gives organizations and accounting teams a powerful competitive advantage, driving new efficiencies and actionable insights for better decision-making.
"We’re launching the FloQast Accounting Transformation Platform at a time when the accounting profession faces unprecedented challenges," said Mike Whitmire, CEO and co-founder of FloQast, CPA. "With the number of practicing CPAs declining and fewer new professionals entering the field, the pressure on accounting leaders to do more with less has never been greater. This platform is designed to meet that reality head-on, using the power of AI to create solutions that not only streamline and automate critical processes but also enhance the strategic value of accounting teams within their organizations. In today’s landscape, the ability to drive operational excellence isn’t just a competitive advantage—it’s essential for future business success."
Today's launch features three new solutions, FloQast Journal Entry Management, FloQast AI Transaction Matching, and FloQast Consolidation – as well as the introduction of FloHub, an all-new, centralized hub for third-party applications. The announcements also include several key updates to existing offerings, creating a more comprehensive platform experience.
For more information on the FloQast Accounting Transformation Platform, read the blog post.
About FloQast
FloQast, an Accounting Transformation Platform created by accountants for accountants, enables organizations to automate a variety of accounting operations. Trusted by more than 2,800 global accounting teams – including Twilio, Los Angeles Lakers, Zoom, and Snowflake – FloQast enhances the way accounting teams work, enabling customers to automate close management, account reconciliations, accounting operations, and compliance activities. With FloQast, teams can utilize the latest advancements in AI technology to manage aspects of the close, reduce their compliance burden, stay audit-ready, and improve accuracy, visibility, and collaboration overall. FloQast is consistently rated #1 across all user review sites. Learn more at
Kyle Cabodi
FloQast Director of Corporate Communications
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