Yacht Club de Monaco and Astir Marina Vouliagmeni take another step in their collaboration
TURIN, Italy, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Yacht Club de Monaco and Astir Marina Vouliagmeni strengthen their collaboration. After inaugurating its marina in Greece last May, representatives from Astir this week signed a collaboration with YCM in the form of an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding), with a view to obtaining ‘La Belle Classe Destinations by YCM’ certification. Launched in 2011, the certification sets a standard for excellence in terms of quality of facilities, services and events offered. The ambition is to establish an exclusive network of yacht clubs and marinas which fully respects the unique character of each destination and promotes development of sustainable yachting on a global scale.
“This agreement is fully in line with one of the two axes for developing our international activities, namely exporting our expertise by supporting and being associated with high-end marinas positioning themselves in the yachting sector and creating synergies with the standards of Ports de Monaco,” explained Aleco Keusseoglou, President of the company, Société d’Exploitation des Ports de Monaco and Société Monegasque Internationale Portuaire. “We are delighted to be taking this next step with Astir Marina Vouliagmeni who share our values and vision. The partnership will help to further develop the local economy by promoting the destination and creating jobs as a result of growth in yacht-related tourism. It marks an important stage in our mission to promote yachting excellence. With Astir Marina, we are building on our network of outstanding destinations that offer owners a harmonious experience that respects natural beauty and meets the highest standards in our field," said Yacht Club de Monaco General Secretary Bernard d’Alessandri.
The signing reflects Astir’s ongoing desire to benefit from Monegasque expertise. From the launch of its ambitious project in 2019 to deliver an ultramodern marina with improved premium services for customers, Astir Marina contacted Société Monegasque Internationale Portuaire (SMIP) which has supported it since analysis of the berth plan and defining infrastructures. This ambitious project with its strong emphasis on the environment has been closely followed by Yacht Club de Monaco’s President, HSH Prince Albert II, who was given a preview of the initial sketches of the future yacht club’s clubhouse. During their stay in the Principality, Penny Zaglaridou, Vice President of the Board of Directors and CEO of Astir Palace Vouliagmeni and CEO of Astir Marina, and Konstantinos Mitsios, Development Director at Astir, organised a work meeting to discuss the design and architecture of the yacht club with Bernard d’Alessandri, YCM General Secretary, and Aleco Keusseoglou, President Société d'Exploitation des Ports de Monaco and a YCM Management Committee member.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/58a063a0-611c-42de-a900-a906ee53dbf5
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