Tenneco Unveils New Website Featuring Complete Monroe® Ride Solutions Technology Portfolio
NORTHVILLE, Mich., Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tenneco has launched a new website, www.monroeridesolutions.com, featuring the company’s full range of electronic and passive suspension technologies chosen by many of the world’s premier light vehicle and commercial truck manufacturers. The Monroe Ride Solutions business is part of Tenneco’s global Performance Solutions segment.
The new website offers in-depth information on the business’s product and technology portfolio – the Monroe OE Solutions passive dampers and world-class range of valving options, and the Monroe Intelligent Suspension semi-active and active suspension technologies – and highlights the advanced engineering and manufacturing capabilities and highly collaborative customer relationships that have driven the success of the Monroe brand for more than a century.
“We are presenting our full range of suspension products and technologies within a single modern, highly intuitive website because that best represents the values we offer to OEMs around the world – our unmatched ability to provide the ideal suspension technology for every vehicle model,” said Fei Fei Metzler, VP Product Management, Monroe Ride Solutions. “Whether it’s a car, SUV or big-rig commercial truck, whether it is an everyday car or a Sunday racer, we partner with the OEM to deliver the most exceptional ride experience.”
The website offers detailed background – including technical videos and information on damper architecture (monotube and double-tube shock absorbers, struts, and full modules); piston valve designs (MTV, MTV CL, RV+, MCx, and CV+); and the Monroe Ride Refine™ family of add-on valves (RC1, SDD, HCS, Advanced HRS, Standard HRS, and Performance HRS).
In addition, Monroe Intelligent Suspension content includes videos, interactive graphics and other user-friendly resources about its technologies: CVSAe and CVSA2, which sense and adapt to driving conditions in real time, resulting in a premium ride experience controlled by the driver; Performance CVSA2, the latest generation of Tenneco’s lightweight, two-valve semi-active technology for supercars and SUVs; and KINETIC®, the company’s most advanced adaptive system, which detects, processes and reacts to road conditions in real time.
Also featured in the new site are the latest Monroe Ride Solutions news stories, press releases and social media posts; a list of OEM customers; and a map, along with contact information, for Monroe Ride Solutions headquarters, technical centers and manufacturing facilities throughout North America, South America, EMEA, India, China, and Japan.

About Tenneco
Tenneco is one of the world's leading designers, manufacturers, and marketers of automotive products for original equipment and aftermarket customers. Through our DRiV, Performance Solutions, Clean Air and Powertrain business groups, Tenneco is driving advancements in global mobility by delivering technology solutions for light vehicle, commercial truck, off-highway, industrial, motorsport and the aftermarket.
Visit www.tenneco.com to learn more.
Simonetta Esposito
Global Communications
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ae5da971-bb02-442b-8015-1ffdd8111077
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