Boehringer Ingelheim partners with NCD Alliance to target Non-Communicable Diseases in underserved c
Boehringer Ingelheim has entered a partnership with the NCD Alliance, a network dedicated to shaping a world in which everyone can live a healthy and productive life, free from the preventable suffering, stigma, disability, and death caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The start of the partnership was announced alongside the United Nations Global Assembly in New York.
NCDs are a major global health issue. These diseases, which are not transmitted from person to person, cause 41 million deaths each year, accounting for 74% of all deaths worldwide. With at least one in three people living with a NCD and half the world's population lacking essential health services, many are not receiving the care they need.
Within the broad category of NCDs, there are specific types known as Cardiovascular, Renal, and Metabolic (CRM) diseases. These CRM diseases are conditions that specifically impact the heart, kidneys, and the body's metabolism. Affecting over one billion lives globally, CRM diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for up to 20 million deaths annually.
Together, Boehringer Ingelheim and the NCD Alliance will drive advocacy to strengthen health systems to respond to NCDs and ensure integration of NCDs within Universal Health Coverage and primary health care, emphasising cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic conditions. The partnership will also strengthen the evidence and advocacy to address inequities in access to NCD care, including reaching the most vulnerable populations and those left behind.
“Through this partnership, we have a unique opportunity to showcase successful examples of health system strengthening for the NCD response, particularly addressing health equity and reaching underserved communities," said Katie Dain, CEO of NCD Alliance. "Our goal is to ensure access to quality care for all, regardless of income or geography”.
Already today, Boehringer helps millions of people worldwide live longer, healthier lives. In line with its sustainability framework “Sustainable Development for Generations”, Boehringer has committed to expand NCD healthcare access for 50 million people in underserved communities and low- and middle-income countries by 2030.
"This partnership couldn't have come at a better time," says Médard Schoenmaeckers, Head of Corporate Affairs. "Together with the NCD Alliance, we are on a mission to overcome barriers to quality care. We believe that where you live or how much you earn shouldn't decide your access to treatment. This collaboration is our commitment to better health systems, to lessen the disease burden, and ultimately, to change the face of global health."
Boehringer Ingelheim’s sustainability strategy addresses health equity and wellbeing across the whole patient continuum of care: from pharmaceutical innovation over prevention and healthcare delivery to tackling equitable access. In particular to improve the lives of people and animals living in underserved communities. Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration is a key aspect to promote systemic change.
Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim is a biopharmaceutical company active in both human and animal health. As one of the industry’s top investors in Research and Development, the company focuses on developing innovative therapies in areas of high unmet medical need. Independent since its foundation in 1885, Boehringer takes a long-term perspective, embedding sustainability along the entire value chain. More than 53,500 employees serve over 130 markets to build a healthier, more sustainable, and equitable tomorrow. Learn more at
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