Bitget Wallet Launches OmniConnect Dev Kit, Bridging A Billion Telegram Users to Multichain Web3 Eco
VICTORIA, Seychelles, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Bitget Wallet, a leading Web3 non-custodial wallet, has announced the launch of OmniConnect, a software development kit that enables developers to seamlessly connect Telegram Mini-Apps to multichain ecosystems across over 500 blockchains including mainnets like Solana, TON and all EVM-compatible chains. The integration allows Telegram Mini-Apps to utilize Bitget Wallet for signing and conducting transactions across multiple blockchain networks. The future plans of OmniConnect go beyond supporting Telegram Mini-Apps, aiming to expand to plugins, mobile apps, and web platforms, allowing seamless interactions across any blockchain.
This release signifies a major leap in the integration of Web3 ecosystems with Telegram, offering over a billion Telegram users and developers a simplified, efficient way to interact with multiple blockchains. By integrating with Bitget Wallet, Telegram transforms into a comprehensive gateway to Web3, facilitating a smoother transition from Web2. The Telegram Mini-Apps play a crucial role in onboarding new users to Web3, offering an accessible entry point for individuals who have not previously interacted with decentralized technologies. This aligns with Bitget Wallet's vision to connect a billion users from social platforms to the entire Web3 world, forming a core part of the broader Bitget Onchain Layer strategy.
Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet, highlighted the importance of this development, stating, "Previously, Telegram Mini-Apps could only interact with the TON network, making it difficult to engage with other public chains. Bitget Wallet's OmniConnect aims to bridge this gap, enabling seamless multi-chain interaction via Bitget Wallet. We're excited for more developers and blockchain ecosystems to join us in building a more open and thriving Web3 environment on Telegram." Additionally, Bitget Wallet is set to announce further initiatives aimed at empowering the broader Mini-App ecosystem and deepening integration with Telegram, which are expected to enhance the capabilities and reach of both platforms and benefit the wider builder community.
Bitget Wallet has already established deep integration within the Telegram and TON ecosystems, partnering with major projects like Tomarket, Catizen, and Yescoin. It was the first to extend MPC keyless wallet to the TON mainnet, developed trading bots for Telegram, and provided multi-chain trading, zero-gas fee experiences on TON DApps, and access to popular project airdrops. Through these efforts, Bitget Wallet has positioned itself as a crucial infrastructure in the Telegram ecosystem. In August 2024 alone, Bitget Wallet saw nearly 2 million downloads, making it the most downloaded wallet globally according to App Store and Google Play data.
With over 30 million global users, Bitget Wallet is committed to driving mass adoption of Web3 by simplifying access through its MPC keyless wallet, which enables secure logins using familiar methods like email, Apple ID, Google accounts, and Telegram. As an all-in-one platform wallet, Bitget Wallet continues expanding its features in directions like "Wallet+Trading," allowing users to trade directly within their wallets, and "Wallet+Social," which integrates social functionalities and connects with Telegram and multi-chain ecosystems. Alvin Kan added, "Our goal is to be the gateway for mass Web3 adoption, making it easy for even non-Web3 users to access DeFi, blockchain games, and the broader crypto ecosystem."
Go to OmniConnect Dev Kit:
About Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet stands as one of the world's leading non-custodial Web3 wallets and decentralized ecosystem platform. With the Bitget Onchain Layer, the wallet is well-poised to develop a burgeoning DeFi ecosystem through co-creation and strategic incubation. Aside from a powerful Swap function, Bitget Wallet also offers multi-chain asset management, smart money insights, a native Launchpad, Inscriptions Center, and an Earning Center. Supporting over 100 major blockchains, 250,000+ tokens, and a wide array of DApps, Bitget Wallet is your top wallet for asset discovery and Web3 exploration.
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