UBiqube Strengthens Board with Cloud and Security Veterans to Drive AgileOps Vision and Global Expan
DUBLIN, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - UBiqube, a leader in hybrid cloud and security infrastructure automation, today announced the appointment of two seasoned executives, Jean-David Lehmann-Charley and Ahmed Guetari, to its Board of Directors. Both leaders bring extensive expertise in network, security, and cloud technologies, with proven track records in driving innovation and growth in the service provider industry.
Their addition comes at a pivotal time for UBiqube as it embarks on its Agile Ops journey, implementing scalable, automated solutions for CloudOps, NetOps, and SecOps practices. They will join our distinguished directors from NTT and Fujitsu and complete the board with relevant skills to drive the adoption of UBiqube's innovation.
Jean-David Lehmann-Charley is Regional Sales VP, Cortex ecosystem EMEA and Latam for Palo Alto Networks. He brings over 20 years of experience in complex sales, direct and indirect, in the network & security market across EMEA and Latam at Palo Alto and before that at Juniper. Jean-David is an entrepreneurial sales leader; his field expertise and acumen will be essential to UBiqube's governance. “I welcome the opportunity to contribute to UBiqube's growth and reputation as a Hybrid cloud automation solution provider,” said Jean-David. “In an industry notoriously plagued with complexity and tools inflation, it is encouraging to see UBiqube's focus on solutions simplifying Cloud and Security operations through automation. It is an essential endeavor to ensure the IT infrastructure is ready to weather the upcoming ‘AI Tsunami.'
Ahmed Guetari is GM and VP of products for Service Providers at F5. He brings over 20 years of industry experience with Juniper and now F5. Ahmed is an industry-wide recognized strategic thinker with a passion for delivering technology with purpose. He is a hands-on product head, and his leadership is deeply rooted in his understanding of the operational reality of his customers. He is the field technologist the UBiqube board needs. “The convergence of Cloud and network paradigms, the emergence of the edge as a cloud proxy and the exponential growth in datacenters all aimed at addressing the monumental AI processing needs. These transformational trends call for solutions focused on scaling operations through simplification and process automation. UBiqube is at the forefront of this innovation field and has demonstrated this to various customers and use cases,' said Ahmed. “I am enthusiastic about joining UBiqube's board and helping the team open the next chapter of their growth.”
Nabil Souli, CEO of UBiqube, welcomed the new board members: “I am humbled and proud of the endorsement of the addition of Jean-David and Ahmed to our board represents. Their experience and industry knowledge will be invaluable as we scale our operations and continue to expand into global markets. Their guidance will strengthen our partnerships with system integrators and enable us to drive operational agility adoption for an IT infrastructure rising to the AI challenge.”
About UBiqube:
Based in Dublin, Ireland, UBiqube is a leading provider of infrastructure automation aimed at dramatically simplifying Cloud ops, Netops and Secops. We partner with leading system integrators worldwide to design and deliver tailored solutions that address the complexity of an ever-changing IT infrastructure landscape. Learn more at www.ubiqube.com.
Media Contacts:
Colin Fernandes, Head of Marketing
Email: cfe@ubiqube.com
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