Adobe Awards Global Scaled Creative & Content To Dentsu Creative
The partnership signals a leap forward in uniting creativity, AI and technology to deliver personalization at scale
SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Adobe, the global leader in personalized digital experiences, announced that Dentsu Creative has been selected as lead global scaled creative and content agency for its Digital Media Business (DMe), following an extensive and competitive review. Together, Dentsu Creative, Tag Worldwide and Adobe will redefine advertising by driving personalization at scale through a robust Gen AI-powered content supply chain.
Transcending a traditional creative remit, Dentsu Creative will architect the company's first “Glocal” go-to-market model, designed to drive relevance, effectiveness and efficiency both globally and locally across key regions: Americas, EMEA, APAC and Japan. The global agency will also lead product and release marketing and local campaigns for the company's most trusted B2B and B2C creative products and services. Underpinning the relationship is a unified global technology backbone, enabled by Adobe's integrated set of best-in-class products to help companies optimize their content supply chain, and proprietary technologies from Dentsu Digital and Tag Worldwide.
“As a creative team that has long relied on Adobe's products and services to imagine, create and bring digital experiences to life, this new partnership is meaningful in so many ways,” said Abbey Klaassen, Global Brand President, Dentsu Creative. “We're energized by Adobe's vision to change the world through personalized experiences, and this fueled us to bring transformative thinking and creativity to every interaction. Now, we're ready to bring that to customers everywhere through Adobe's Digital Media Business.”
Dentsu Creative is a global creative agency network designed to unlock exponential growth for clients. We use Transformative Creativity as a differentiating, driving force to bring our capabilities together to positively impact people, businesses and society. Established in June 2022, Dentsu Creative is integrated with Dentsu's Media and CXM businesses in approximately 120 countries, to offer end-to-end solutions to clients globally.
Matt Cross
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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