Matterport Fall 2024 Release: 'Insights Meets Imagination'Elevates the Platform With Gener
Matterport introduces essential new tools for real estate agents, contractors and designers
SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Matterport, Inc., today unveiled a groundbreaking suite of new tools designed to reshape the way professionals design, build, and market properties.
Through the power of generative AI, Matterport users can now easily reimagine the potential of any space, transforming digital twins from static replicas into dynamic canvases for creativity.
“Our Fall 2024 Release empowers users to unlock the full potential of Matterport,” said RJ Pittman, Chairman and CEO of Matterport. “Imagine being able to defurnish a home with one click or generate stunning property descriptions automatically, using just the data from your digital twin. These tools save time, elevate listings, and simplify complex workflows for everyone—from real estate agents to contractors and enterprise teams. And with features like 3D model merge, field tags, and one-click bill-back processing, we're helping customers manage spaces at scale with unprecedented speed, efficiency and precision.”
New tools for agents:
One of the most revolutionary additions in the Fall Release is Matterport's AI-powered defurnish tool, designed to solve a common challenge for home sellers and agents: clutter. With a single click, users can now transform a cluttered living room or messy garage into a clean, open space—allowing potential buyers to visualize the home's true potential. Whether it's “erasing” an outdated couch or clearing out the dining room set, defurnish gives agents a powerful yet simple tool to make every property shine.
Matterport's new defurnish tool uses AI to remove furniture and other objects from virtual property listings.
And coming soon, Matterport's interior design tools will unlock creativity for everyone—letting users digitally furnish and redesign spaces with ease and offering a glimpse of what the future could hold.
The AI-powered property description tool is another game-changer, crafting detailed, engaging written descriptions in just seconds. Brokers and marketers can select the style and tone, ensuring each listing is perfectly tailored—whether it's a sleek, modern downtown loft or a charming suburban home. And by leveraging the precise spatial data of every digital twin, the tool creates content that is not only beautifully written but also accurate down to the last detail, saving hours of work and producing results that even seasoned experts will admire.
New tools for property managers, contractors, and designers:
For large-scale projects, Matterport's new Merge tool enables users to seamlessly “snap” together multiple digital twins. Imagine creating a full digital model of an entire hotel, floor by floor, or merging every floor of a high-rise office tower into one cohesive 3D tour of the building. Merge also allows multiple team members to scan different sections of a property simultaneously and integrate them later, making it possible to capture and manage even the most expansive buildings quickly and efficiently.
Field Tags further enhance the efficiency of on-site work by allowing users to add on-site observations and tags during the scanning process. No more repeat visits to capture missed details—everything can be documented in real-time, ensuring accurate, comprehensive records of the space are captured at the moment they matter most. This feature keeps teams aligned and projects moving forward without unnecessary delays.
Lastly, Matterport introduces one-click bill-back processing, a highly anticipated feature for enterprise customers. This simple yet powerful tool removes the headache of manual invoicing and cost allocation, allowing organizations to easily distribute expenses across departments and external partners. By automating billing processes, Matterport reduces administrative burdens and empowers teams to focus on what matters most.
Visit Matterport's Fall 2024 Release page to see everything in action.
About Matterport
Matterport, Inc. (Nasdaq: MTTR) is leading the digital transformation of the built world. Our groundbreaking platform turns buildings into data to make every space more valuable and accessible. Millions of buildings in more than 177 countries have been transformed into immersive Matterport digital twins to improve every part of the building lifecycle from planning, construction, and operations to documentation, appraisal, and marketing. Learn more at and browse a gallery of digital twins.
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