Aiven Partners with Google Cloud to Offer AlloyDB Omni on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and G
Strategic partnership marks launch of Aiven for AlloyDB Omni
Helsinki, Finland, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Aiven, the trusted data and AI platform company, today announced its strategic partnership with Google Cloud and the launch of Aiven for AlloyDB Omni. The collaboration will combine the high-performance of Google Cloud's downloadable database, AlloyDB Omni, with Aiven's fully managed, multi-cloud, data infrastructure platform.
As a managed cloud database service, Aiven for AlloyDB Omni will provide organizations with a simplified and secure way to deploy, manage, and scale AlloyDB Omni on Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure, allowing seamless multi-cloud operations for organizations. It will enable businesses to leverage Google Cloud’s industry-leading database service, AlloyDB Omni, while minimizing operational overhead and simplifying database management, allowing them to focus on building innovative applications and driving business value.
AlloyDB Omni offers organizations exceptional performance* and scalability for PostgreSQL workloads, delivering more than 2X faster performance than standard PostgreSQL for transactional workloads, 100X faster analytical queries than standard PostgreSQL, and 4X faster vector queries than the HNSW index in standard PostgreSQL. With Aiven for AlloyDB Omni, businesses will be able to experience all of these benefits across multi-cloud environments while also integrating seamlessly into Aiven’s existing product portfolio, further strengthening its offerings to customers.
"Our partnership with Google Cloud will deliver AlloyDB Omni to our customers on their preferred infrastructure, regardless of whether it's AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud," said Oskari Saarenmaa, Chief Executive Officer, Aiven. "It combines AlloyDB Omni's industry-leading technology with Aiven's expertise in managing multi-cloud data infrastructure, and empowers organizations to build and scale next-generation PostgreSQL applications faster and easier than ever before."
"In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses need the flexibility to run their databases and applications wherever they are, with superior performance, availability, and scale," said Andi Gutmans, GM & VP of Databases at Google Cloud. "We developed AlloyDB Omni in order to enable our customers to run the most demanding PostgreSQL workloads in any environment including on-premises and across clouds. With Aiven for AlloyDB Omni, customers will now be able to get a fully managed AlloyDB Omni database service not only on Google Cloud, but also on AWS and Azure.”
Aiven for AlloyDB will provide:
- Simplified Database Management: Aiven's expertise streamlines the complexities of deploying, managing, and scaling AlloyDB Omni, reducing time and resources for organizations to focus on their core business objectives.
- Multi-Cloud Flexibility: The partnership enables organizations to deploy AlloyDB Omni on their preferred cloud platform (Google Cloud, AWS, Azure), providing the freedom to choose the best infrastructure for their specific needs.
- Enhanced Security & Compliance: Aiven's platform ensures consistent security, compliance, and governance across all deployed AlloyDB Omni instances, regardless of the underlying cloud infrastructure.
- Optimized Performance: Aiven's expertise in cloud data infrastructure helps ensure optimal performance and scalability of AlloyDB Omni, leading to faster application response times and improved user experiences.
- Accelerated AI Adoption: AlloyDB Omni's native vector search and Vertex AI integration, paired with Aiven's platform, will enable rapid development and deployment of AI-powered applications, unlocking deeper insights from data.
Learn more about Aiven for AlloyDB Omni by reading Aiven’s blog article and visiting its webpage where organizations can sign up for additional information and early access. General availability is expected in 2025.
* Sources:
About Aiven
Aiven is a global data and AI platform company that enables organizations to get more value from their data. The Aiven Data and AI Platform combines open-choice services to rapidly stream, store and serve data across major cloud providers — simply and securely. Aiven is trusted by thousands of customers worldwide to power their innovation and create next-generation applications confidently and quickly.
Aiven is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, with global offices in Europe, North America and Asia.
Cherry Gray
+44 7783910203
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