FloQast Partners with CFGI to Drive Financial Transformation and Accounting Excellence in APAC
Partnership will enhance financial Close, compliance, and internal controls for more efficient finance and accounting functions
SYDNEY, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - FloQast, an Accounting Transformation Platform created by accountants for accountants, announced today a strategic consulting partnership in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region with CFGI, a global leader in advisory, and consulting services. CFGI supports the Office of the CFO and Private Equity Sponsors with all critical finance and accounting operations. The collaboration combines the power of FloQast‘s Accounting Transformation Platform with CFGI‘s extensive industry expertise to transform critical accounting and finance processes, including the financial close, and compliance and internal controls management.
Today‘s businesses are under significant pressure to transform their accounting and finance operations for greater accuracy and more valuable data and insights— critical for steering organisational strategy. This includes an increased focus on strengthening internal controls to comply with regulations, be audit-ready, and protect the business.
FloQast addresses these needs by offering accounting teams a wealth of resources to improve communication and transparency, automate time-consuming tasks, and ensure financial accuracy. This empowers them to work collaboratively, reduce errors, and accelerate record-to-report and compliance management processes. CFGI‘s deep understanding of finance transformation and optimisation, regulatory environments, and industry-specific challenges will enrich the partnership by providing tailored consulting services to clients seeking greater efficiency, accuracy and scalability.
"FloQast is proud to extend our successful partnership with CFGI into the Asia Pacific region, building on the strong foundation we've established together in other markets with 350 shared customers – and growing – and more than a hundred FloQast implementations,” said Jason Toshack, Managing Director of FloQast Australia. “This collaboration comes at a critical strategic moment for many organizations, and we‘re excited to continue providing valuable resources as they pursue financial transformation.”
“We are very excited to embark on this journey with FloQast to help businesses in the APAC region to accelerate financial transformations and deliver accounting operational excellence,” said Jean-Pierre Henderson, Regional Managing Partner, CFGI. “By combining our expertise in system implementation, back-office transformation and risk and compliance with FloQast‘s best-in-class advanced workflow automation, we aim to deliver comprehensive solutions that address the unique challenges faced by finance teams today.”
Since 2018, FloQast has collaborated with CFGI to enhance financial close solutions in North America, with recent expansion into the DACH and UK regions. This latest collaboration between CFGI and FloQast in the APAC region is built upon CFGI's dedication to delivering outstanding client service and FloQast's commitment to innovation, forming a robust foundation for their strategic partnership.
About FloQast
FloQast, an Accounting Transformation Platform created by accountants for accountants, enables organizations to automate a variety of accounting operations. Trusted by more than 2,800 global accounting teams – including Twilio, Los Angeles Lakers, Zoom, and Snowflake – FloQast enhances the way accounting teams work, enabling customers to automate close management, account reconciliations, accounting operations, and compliance activities. With FloQast, teams can utilize the latest advancements in AI technology to manage aspects of the close, reduce their compliance burden, stay audit-ready, and improve accuracy, visibility, and collaboration overall. FloQast is consistently rated #1 across all user review sites. Learn more at FloQast.com.
About CFGI
CFGI, a Carlyle and CVC Capital Partners portfolio company, is a leading global accounting and business advisory firm. We partner with our clients on their most important regulatory, transaction, and business improvement initiatives. Our team of over 1,000 former Big 4 professionals brings expertise across technical accounting, capital markets, tax, valuation, ESG, transaction advisory, restructuring, and technology solutions — all delivered with an independent and roll-up-the-sleeves approach. CFGI was founded in 2000 and serves thousands of global clients across 19 offices throughout the Americas, Europe, and the Asia Pacific regions.
Learn more at www.cfgi.com.
Kyle Cabodi
FloQast Director of Corporate Communications
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