Constellation Brands Reports Second Quarter Fiscal 2025 Financial Results
ROCHESTER, N.Y., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE: STZ), a leading beverage alcohol company, reported today its second quarter fiscal 2025 financial results. A conference call to discuss the financial results and outlook will be hosted by President and Chief Executive Officer, Bill Newlands, and Chief Financial Officer, Garth Hankinson, on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. EDT. Visit to locate information for joining the conference call, or a live, listen-only webcast of the conference call.
Constellation Brands (NYSE: STZ) is a leading international producer and marketer of beer, wine, and spirits with operations in the U.S., Mexico, New Zealand, and Italy. Our mission is to build brands that people love because we believe elevating human connections is Worth Reaching For. It's worth our dedication, hard work, and calculated risks to anticipate market trends and deliver more for our consumers, shareholders, employees, and industry. This dedication is what has driven us to become one of the fastest-growing, large CPG companies in the U.S. at retail, and it drives our pursuit to deliver what's next.
Every day, people reach for our high-end, iconic imported beer brands such as those in the Corona brand family like the flagship Corona Extra, Modelo Especial and the flavorful lineup of Modelo Cheladas, Pacifico, and Victoria; our fine wine and craft spirits brands including The Prisoner Wine Company, Robert Mondavi Winery, Casa Noble Tequila, and High West Whiskey; and our premium wine brands such as Kim Crawford and Meiomi.
As an agriculture-based company, we have a long history of operating sustainably and responsibly. Our ESG strategy is embedded into our business and our work focuses on serving as good stewards of the environment, enhancing social equity within our industry and communities, and promoting responsible beverage alcohol consumption. These commitments ground our aspirations beyond driving the bottom line as we work to create a future that is truly Worth Reaching For.
To learn more, visit and follow us on X, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Amy Martin 585-678-7141 / Carissa Guzski 315-525-7362 / |
Joseph Suarez 773-551-4397 / Snehal Shah 847-385-4940 / |
A PDF containing our Second Quarter Fiscal 2025 Results and full financial tables is available at:
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