Dark Horse Consulting Group Acquires BioTechLogic, Inc.
Combined organization to offer strategic advisory, operations, and technical consulting across the biopharma industry
WALNUT CREEK, Calif. and CAVE CREEK, Ariz. and BOSTON, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Dark Horse Consulting Group (“DHC”), the longstanding global leader in strategic and operational consulting in the field of cell and gene therapy (“CGT”), is delighted to announce the acquisition of BioTechLogic, Inc. (“BioTechLogic”), a recognized forerunner in technical operations, manufacturing, quality, and regulatory CMC consulting. This strategic acquisition marks a significant milestone in DHC's growth, combining the complementary strengths of both teams while further consolidating DHC's position at the vanguard of CGT.
DHC—with operations in North America, Europe, and APAC—is recognized for its unequaled depth of CGT expertise worldwide. BioTechLogic (now a division of Dark Horse Consulting Group) has earned its stellar reputation by offering specialized consulting in process development and manufacturing, technical operations, quality systems, and CMC regulatory for CGT and other advanced therapies in biologics and vaccines.
“We are thrilled to welcome BioTechLogic to the Dark Horse Consulting Group,” said Anthony Davies, DHC's Founder and CEO. “This acquisition allows us to extend our client base into the domains of traditional biologics and vaccine development while further optimizing efficiencies of cost, timeline, and resources for our CGT customers. We are excited to combine DHC's ‘white glove' strategic advisory services with BioTechLogic's significant operational expertise and technical services.”
WestView Capital Partners (“WestView”), a prominent private equity firm with a growth investment in DHC, played a key role in facilitating this acquisition. “Combining BioTechLogic with DHC will create a powerhouse in the biopharma consulting space, while retaining a critical focus on advanced therapies,” said Greg Thomas, Partner at WestView and DHC Board Director.
“Our entire team is eager to collaborate,” agreed Peter Dellva, Patrick Giljum, and Tracy TreDenick, BioTechLogic's three Founding Partners. “Combining forces with DHC will make it that much more possible to support getting a wide variety of advanced therapies and biotherapeutics to market and ultimately to patients with unmet medical needs.”
DHC was represented by Fenwick & West LLP. BioTechLogic was represented by Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP.
About Dark Horse Consulting Group
Dark Horse Consulting Group, a global company with offices in the U.S., U.K., and Singapore, was founded in 2014 with the purpose of accelerating cell and gene therapies through unmatched consulting expertise. DHC's collective knowledge spans development, manufacturing, compliance, quality, regulatory, modeling, and business strategy, addressing a diverse range of client needs.
About BioTechLogic, Inc.
BioTechLogic, a leading biopharmaceutical manufacturing and CMC consulting firm, was founded in 2003 by Peter Dellva, Patrick Giljum, and Tracy TreDenick. The BioTechLogic consulting team, rich in practical and hands-on experience, reliably helps biopharma clients bring their products to market quickly and successfully by augmenting and optimizing an organization's technical, manufacturing, analytical, and regulatory resources.
About WestView Capital Partners
WestView Capital Partners, a Boston-based growth equity firm, is focused on middle market growth companies and manages $2.7 billion in capital across five funds. WestView partners with existing management teams to sponsor minority and majority recapitalizations, growth capital, and consolidation transactions in several sectors including business services, IT services, healthcare technology and outsourcing, software, and growth industrial.
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