FDH Aero Announces New Contract Agreement for COMAC C919 Platform
Agreement further strengthens FDH’s presence and capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region
COMMERCE, Calif., Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FDH Aero (“FDH”), a global provider of supply chain solutions for the aerospace and defense industry, announced today it has secured a multi-year contract with AVIC-XAIC Xi’an Aircraft Industrial Corporation (XAIC) to support China’s COMAC C919 passenger jet platform. AVIC-XAIC is one of the major sub-tier company which taking the work of Wing assembly and mid-fuselage for C919.
FDH is one of a select few distributors already delivering a suite of supply chain solutions to the COMAC C919 platform. The new contract extends upon FDH’s current work and existing relationship with AVIC-XAIC to include new product offerings, including Just-in-Time delivery services managed by XAIC onsite FDH personnel based in Xi’an, China.
“Our expanded partnership with AVIC-XAIC not only broadens the solutions that FDH can deliver to the COMAC C919 platform, but it highlights the continuing investments FDH Aero is making to simplify the supply chain for customers in the Asia-Pacific region,” said Fred Short, EVP Global Sales. “As China's homegrown COMAC C919 continues to increase its market share in the commercial passenger jet market, FDH Aero is fully prepared to support the platform’s success through its work with AVIC Group.”
COMAC C919 is a narrow-body, twin-engine commercial airliner developed by Chinese aerospace manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC). Designed to compete with established aircraft like the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, the C919 has amassed orders of more than 1,000 aircrafts and provides China with a domestically produced alternative in the competitive global market for single-aisle jets.
“Congratulations to the teams at FDH Aero and XAIC for the cooperation and teamwork we developed in the meetings and discussions which resulted in this agreement,” said Cody Ho, FDH Aero Managing Director APAC. “We are grateful for the trust being placed in FDH and we look forward to continuing our work together in support of XAIC and COMAC.”
About FDH Aero
FDH Aero is a trusted global supply chain solutions partner for aerospace and defense companies, helping to shape the industry by simplifying the supply chain. With over 60 years of experience, it specializes in hardware, electrical, consumables & expendables, licensed products, and value-add services for global OEM and aftermarket customers. FDH is headquartered in Commerce, California, and has operations across the Americas, EMEA and APAC. FDH Aero has locations in 14 countries across the globe, with more than 1,500 best-in-industry employees and over 650,000 square feet of inventory space.
For more information, please visit FDHAero.com.
Heather Rosenow
Vice President, Global Marketing & Communications
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