Mavenir 5G Core Powers ice Norway Network Slicing for Norwegian Armed Forces
- Commercial 5G Standalone
- Enabling secure tailored end-to-end communications
- Dedicated slices to meet specific needs of the Armed Forces
- Extending strategic partnership with key customer
OSLO, Norway, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mavenir, the cloud-native network infrastructure provider building the future of networks, is delivering the full 5G core network for ice, Norway’s third largest mobile operator to enable a network slicing service.
ice is utilising its new 5G standalone (SA) network to provide a dedicated network slice for the Norwegian Armed Forces, designed to deliver the specific service levels required by military communications. Essentially an isolated network-within-a-network, the Armed Forces will have exclusive use and control over their slice nationwide. It will be able to establish secure end-to-end communications across the network.
Mavenir’s 5G mobile core is designed ready for network operators to enable network slicing for providing disruptive services to B2B, B2C or public organisations. Dedicated network slices can be designed to meet specified needs and applications, and quickly and easily deployed and managed, and used to deliver new and innovative services and applications. Mavenir’s cloud-native 5G SA network is fully containerised, runs on any cloud service and designed with a microservices approach, giving the flexibility to address evolving customer needs in a scalable way.
“This deployment of network slicing is realising the true value of 5G,” said Tore Kristoffersen, VP Service delivery platforms for ice. “We now have myriad possible new business cases to present to our enterprise customers, which can be tailored to precise service level agreements, ensuring the best and most cost-effective use of resources. We are also testing solutions for use in Public Safety services, highlighting the value of 5G and its network slicing capabilities for secure critical communications.”
“The flexibility of network slicing powered by 5G is a game-changer for mobile operators,” said Ashok Khuntia, President of Core Networks, Mavenir. “We are enabling 5G use cases in practice, proving that the long-promised monetisation of 5G is a reality. With security, reliability and low latency, 5G is a massive opportunity for the industry. We are delighted to be extending our strategic partnership with ice by supporting this first deployment in Norway.”
Last year ice selected Mavenir’s Cloud-Native IMS and Messaging/VAS in a strategic project expansion, having already selected Mavenir’s Converged Packet Core solution to power its 4G and 5G network.
Notes to editor:
ice official Press Release - ice turns on "pure 5G"
About Mavenir:
Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud-native, AI-enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award-winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit
Mavenir PR Contacts:
Emmanuela Spiteri
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