Tokushima Taisho Bank Selects nCino to Transform Its Commercial Banking Business to be More Digitall
Japanese bank to increase operational efficiency and enhance value for corporate customers and employees with the nCino Platform
WILMINGTON, N.C., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- nCino, Inc. (NASDAQ: NCNO), the leading provider of intelligent, best-in-class banking solutions, today announced that Tokushima Taisho Bank, a TOMONY Holdings, Inc. Group Company, has selected nCino’s Commercial Banking Solution to transform business lending on a single platform, adding efficiency and increased value to all customer and employee interactions.
Recognizing the evolving demands of its corporate clients, Tokushima Taisho will implement the nCino Platform to digitally unify its online processes, significantly enhancing customer experiences and creating overall efficiencies in the end-to-end lending process. By leveraging nCino, the Bank will not only reduce manual tasks but also empower employees to dedicate more time to nurturing valuable client relationships.
Itsuki Nomura, Representative Director and Country Manager of Japan at nCino, reflected on the partnership, “We are honored to partner with Tokushima Taisho in its journey to enhance the value it brings to both its corporate clients and its employees. With our Commercial Banking Solution, the Bank can redefine its customer and employee engagement strategies and achieve sustainable growth in today’s dynamic banking landscape.”
About nCino
nCino (NASDAQ: NCNO) is the worldwide leader in cloud banking. Through its single software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, nCino helps financial institutions serving corporate and commercial, small business, consumer, and mortgage customers modernize and more effectively onboard clients, make loans, manage the loan lifecycle, and open accounts. Transforming how financial institutions operate through innovation, reputation and speed, nCino is partnered with more than 1,800 financial services providers globally. For more information, visit
About Tokushima Taisho Bank
Tokushima Taisho Bank was established in 2020 as a result of the merger of Tokushima Bank, headquartered in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, and Taisho Bank, headquartered in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. Its business bases are mainly located in the Shikoku and Kansai regions centering on Tokushima Prefecture, as well as Tokyo. As a member of TOMONY Holdings, Inc., Tokushima Taisho Bank, together with Kagawa Bank, aims to become a financial institution that grows with local customers by providing a wide range of financial services.
In alignment with the Second Management Plan, its digital strategy emphasizes on two core policies: (1) Reforming value to customers (enhancing customer service) and (2) Reforming business processes (improving internal productivity and business quality). While adhering to the “things that should be protected,” they are taking on the challenge of changing and reforming the “things that should be changed.” For more information, please visit
Media Contacts
Natalia Moose
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