Arthur D. Little and Mathlabs Announce Strategic Partnership to Improve Open Innovation Outcomes Usi
Arthur D. Little has announced a strategic partnership with Mathlabs, a cutting-edge innovator in AI-driven company analytics. The objective of this joint offering is to use AI to improve Open Innovation success rates for global corporates and investors, and transform how businesses approach data analytics, subject matter expertise and strategic decision-making.
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The partnership combines Mathlabs’ state-of-the-art AI and machine learning-powered data analytics platform with Arthur D. Little’s extensive experience in promoting innovation across industries. Its core mission is to empower companies to make Open Innovation practices – where innovative ideas are sourced both externally and internally – faster and more predictable, bridging the gap between theory-based solutions and existing knowledge and strategy.
From target sourcing to domain insight to due diligence, the integration of ADL’s consulting expertise with Mathlabs capabilities means that companies have a ‘one-stop shop’ to partner with throughout the innovation process, from the drawing board to real world implementation.
Philippe Mauchard, Chief Bridge Officer at ADL, comments: “Our partnership with Mathlabs brings the best of two worlds. It combines ADL’s extensive consulting experience and more than a century of innovation excellence with Mathlabs’ robust and agile AI capabilities, enabling us to rapidly identify, analyze and prioritize relevant companies anywhere in the world. Our hands-on work with Mathlabs’ technology suite across dozens of teams has already accelerated the impact of Open Innovation at many of our clients, and we are still only scratching the surface of its potential.”
Erez Raanan, CEO at Mathlabs, comments: “We are thrilled to partner with ADL, and leverage the power of generative AI to deliver real, measurable value for enterprise clients. ADL’s distinct focus on innovation and its ambitious vision for AI align with our cutting-edge capabilities. The synergy between our teams has already unlocked remarkable potential – we look forward to pushing the boundaries even further and continue to deliver groundbreaking results for businesses.”
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